Page 23 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2017- Online Magazine
P. 23

around as Roger trained, often      some of the residents. Her health   a lifetime member of the PTA and
         living in someone’s back bedroom    improved along with the health of   has served on many many boards
         and washing clothes in their        her students. They all experienced   in Lubbock including the United
         backyard. But they were happy,      the benefits of exercise, and for 32   Way (where she started their Family
         and, “That’s what you did.”         years, Jane faithfully taught her   Counseling Service), the Salvation
                                             classes. She had always found great   Army and the Junior League. She
         Lt. (later Capt.) Roger Kuykendall   fulfillment in helping people, but   started the Open Heart Club after
         became a command pilot of a B-17    this ministry fit her perfectly. Most   her heart surgery, and is the longest-
         Flying Fortress Bomber in the 8th   of those classes ended with Jane    serving member of the Texas Tech
         Air Force stationed in Molesworth,   waving goodbye with her hands as   Chancellor’s Council (50 years).
         England. During 1944 and ’45, he    well as one of her feet high out of
         was lead pilot in 35 missions over   the water over her head. It always   Roger passed away in 1999, but the
         Germany and other parts of Europe.   made people smile, which leads us   Kuykendall family continues to
         He received many decorations,       to another story.                   give to dozens of Lubbock non-
         including the Distinguished Flying                                      profits through the Kuykendall
         Cross, five Air Medals, and two     At the 2011 Texas Tech              Foundation. Jane punctuates that
         Campaign ribbons.                   Homecoming, Jane was invited        giving with her endless exuberance
                                                        onto the gridiron        and zest for life. She doesn’t do
         After the war,                                 at halftime with all     the splits anymore, but she has
         the young couple                               the other former         fun racing around on her scooter,
         returned to                                    cheerleaders. Many of    connecting with old friends like Dr.
         Lubbock, Roger                                 them had impressive      Carl Anderson, and making new
         joined his father’s                            accomplishments, but     friends, like Ryan Smith, both of
         car dealership,                                all Jane could think     whom she met at our cover shoot.
         Kuykendall                                     of about herself was     “The Dash” between her birth year
         Chevrolet, then                                that she could do the    and her last year continues to be all
         later founded a                                splits. She was 90.      about bringing joy to everyone she
         brokerage firm                                 The impressive feat      meets.
         with his brother-in-                           garnered lots of media
         law Jack Schneider.                            attention, and she       Gabby Sanchez has been Jane’s
         Their children                                 was asked to repeat      helper off and on for 18 years. She
         Karol and Don                                  it several times for     offered this description: “I have
         came along and                                 several more years,      never seen an individual as strong-
         Jane immersed                                  in various places,       willed, determined, daring and
         herself into their                             including backstage      stubborn! But she enjoys life. She
         activities. Her years                          in Las Vegas for         loves to make other people happy.
         were happily filled                            performers Donnie and    Anything she can do to help others,
         with volunteering                              Marie Osmond.            she will do.”
         in countless arenas, like Girl Scouts,
         Boy Scouts, and PTA.                Jane has traveled the world and     Jane Prickett Kuykendall’s life is
                                             made more friends than she can      her message, but she can put it in
         The energetic Mrs. Kuykendall       count. In fact, in 2001, thirty of her   words, especially if a young person
         got a wake-up call at the age of 50,   closest friends moved into Carillon   is listening: “Trust in the Lord. Give
         when she had a heart attack. She    at the same time. “We went from     Him thanks. Always stand up for
         became the first woman in Lubbock   playing “Drop the Handkerchief”     your convictions. Be positive. Be
         to have open heart surgery. She was   (in childhood) to playing Bridge.   encouraging. Pray. Put others first.
         only given five years to live. “I’ve   Only three are left.             Have FUN!”
         used up 45 of them already!” she
         quipped.                            Jane Kuykendall is a great example
                                             of what it means to live life to
         “We didn’t know about the benefit   the fullest. She is so proud of her
         of diet and exercise then.” But Jane   children, grandchildren and 16
         decided to make some changes.       “greats.” Besides her “Swimnastics”
         Her mother had moved to John        fame, she was named Social Worker
         Knox Village (now Carillon), where   of the Year in 1967 and Altrusa
         they had a brand-new pool. She      Woman of the Year in 1984. She’s
         offered to teach water aerobics to

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