Page 78 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017- Online Magazine
P. 78
Calvin Clements One Tech
Sergeant’s Story
by Marian Anderson
“Bubble Gum Clements.” captured them, we would kill
them, so they preferred to
Calvin was a radio operator commit suicide instead.” As he
during the Battle of Okinawa thinks back to that dangerous
in 1945. It was one of the time, he also shares this thought,
costliest battles in the Second “I believe Tokyo Rose was
World War: 15,000 soldiers probably an American; she could
were killed. There were 9,940 have been a predator. She was on
casualties and two-thirds of the side of the [enemy], but she
the 2nd Marine Division were played our American music.”
destroyed. Calvin reflects on
communication by Morse “We were under the command
Code during that time, “The of General Douglas MacArthur.
Japanese would short out our [He] was raised in the east by
wire line by sticking a pin parents who were ambassadors.
between the wires.” One of This was one of the reasons
Calvin’s biggest challenges why he was selected to be the
wins Calvin and Alvin in the military was trying to commander of all the forces in
Clements were born on keep the radios operating. the Pacific. General MacArthur
TFebruary 15, 1921, in When the Japanese attacked the was able to ‘get inside the Japs’
Blaine County, Oklahoma. There Ridge (pictured), Calvin’s Marine minds and think like they did.’
were seven children altogether, Division hit the island and He wasn’t immediately popular
and the whole family learned to headed north. Conical Hill was with all the forces he led, but he
work and to serve. This story is where the enemy buried their possessed the qualifications to be
about Calvin. dead. Often, the large numbers the commander.”
He was drafted into the 96th of casualties forced “The Japanese
Infantry in March 1942 and them to leave them “ surrendered at
Conical Hill was
served until July 1945. He right where they where the enemy the end of July
achieved the rank of Tech lay. Conical Hill buried their 1945. At this
Sergeant. His training took place was one of our dead. Often, the time the island
in Oklahoma, San Diego and first objectives to of Okinawa was
Oregon. Then he was shipped destroy.* large numbers of declared safe.
out of San Francisco on the U.S.S. The enemy had casualties forced Our division
General John Pope (with 7,000 caves where they them to leave them returned to the
other men) to the Philippines stored food and right where they lay. Philippines to
and to Okinawa and Hawaii. buried their dead, get equipment.
This particular ship carried but the Infantry “ In the meantime,
four infantry divisions and two were told not to the atomic bomb
marine divisions. He can’t recall enter. “[They also] used to tell had been dropped on Hiroshima,
why, but he was nicknamed the natives that if the Americans Japan. The armed forces radio
station in San Francisco brought
78 Lubbock Senior Link