Page 65 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017- Online Magazine
P. 65
Tim Daniel Veteran Health BRanCH
Advocate Air Force
by Tracy Daniel Nelson and
Tim W. Daniel II
im Wilson Daniel Tim’s experience with dogs in the Air Force
was born in contributed to his love for all animals, and he
TRoswell, New became a staunch advocate on their behalf. He
Mexico and attended raised four St. Bernards and a great many other
New Mexico Military dogs. Critters seem to love him as much as he loves
Institute (NMMI) in them.
the early 1950s. He
continues to be a proud Yvonne and Tim raised three children, Tracy,
alumnus. Tim joined the Kelly, and Timmy. When their dad had free time,
Air Force in 1955 and he could be found teaching his two daughters to
was ultimately shipped play tennis. They both became very competitive
to Guam where he was in the sport. One even became a ranked player in
assigned a Sentry Dog the Southwest United States. Tim will never forget
Post. He and his dog Kelly’s “beautiful backhand”. Tim also loved to ride
walked guard along the horses. His son accompanied him on long trail rides,
flight line at the US Air which enabled them to experience the beauty of the
Base on the island. (At mountains of New Mexico up close.
one point, they were ordered to guard the movie After 27 years at NYLIC, Tim retired and moved
star Jayne Mansfield, while she was visiting the to Albuquerque, NM to devote more time as an
base.) Tim’s years at NMMI, as well as in the Air
Force taught him discipline, order, achievement and cont.’d on next page
honor. These skills have served him well throughout
his life.
After four years in the Air Force, he came back to
Roswell where his mother and father still lived. He
worked for his father at “Daniel Paint & Glass” for
four years. During this time, he met and married
his wife Yvonne and attended and graduated from
Eastern New Mexico University.
One day, Tim was approached by an executive of
New York Life Insurance Company (NYLIC) who
asked him to consider joining their team. Seizing
the opportunity, the young man went to work for
New York Life in 1965. He quickly rose through
the ranks and became one of the top salesmen. He
was a member of the “Chairman’s Council” and the
“Million Dollar Round Table.”
Selling life insurance was rewarding, but Tim
wanted to help his clients even more. So, in
addition, he became a “Certified Financial Planner”.
He continued to sell insurance, and, with his wife’s
help, excelled in estate planning throughout the
Southwest. Eventually, they were able to start
their own firm “The Daniel Organization.” At his
retirement Tim was ranked in the top 100 of 45,000
New York Life Agents.
Lubbock Senior Link 65