Page 62 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017- Online Magazine
P. 62

Roger Cude                      A Grandson’s Perspective

                                                              of a Life Well-Lived

                                                              by Jackson Cude,
                                                              6th grader at Hutch Middle School

                                                       1965. He graduated        told him that she would pass
                                                       from UT in December       on his message, but that the
                                                       1969 with a degree        congressman didn’t write those
                                                       from the College of       kinds of letters. Three weeks
                                                       Communications and        passed, and Roger began to
                                                       began a job with the      give up hope. Then one day, a
                                                       Austin American-          special package was delivered
                                                       Statesman writing copy    along with a letter from the
                                                       for classified ads. Little   congressman. It read, “No
                                                       did he know that entry-   one during this time of war in
                                                       level job would lead      Vietnam is voluntarily asking
                                                       to an honorable and       to join the Air Force. Because
                                                       storied, 45-year career   you are bravely volunteering,
                                                       with the United States    I am honored to write this
                                                       Air Force.                recommendation for you into
                                                                                 the USAF undergraduate pilot
                                                       One day, while            training school.”
                                                       working at the
                                                       newspaper, an Air         Roger graduated from USAF
                                                       Force recruiter came in   officer training school on March
                                                       to place an ad. When      15, 1971, and married his
                                                       Roger saw the pilot       amazing wife of 26 years, Mary
                                                       salary in the ad, he      Grace, on March 16, 1971. The
                                                       decided that because      very next day, the newlyweds
                    y grandfather, Lt. Col.            he had always loved       moved to Del Rio, Texas where
                    Roger Cude, USAF,         airplanes, he would take the test   Roger’s year of pilot training
            Mwas born in November             to get in to pilot training school.   resulted in him receiving his
            1945 in Houston. The son of an    He did not pass. Determined,       wings. In Altus, Oklahoma, he
            ironworker, Roger grew up in      Roger studied intensively for      trained to fly the C-141. By the
            the Houston Heights area and      nine months and took the test      end of 1972, the young pilot
            graduated from John H. Reagan     again in the fall of 1970. This    began flying C-141s full of cargo
            High School in 1964. A two-time   time he barely passed. Fearing     to Vietnam.
            All-City receiver, who ran the    they might still not let him in, he
            100 in 10.2, Roger received a     looked up his U.S. representative   For two years, Roger flew C-141s
            4-year full athletic                           in the phone book     back and forth to southeast Asia.
            scholarship to                                 and gave him a        His squadron would fly into
            play football for                              call. When the        Vietnam, unload an airplane
            the University of                              congressman’s         full of bombs and bullets, and
            Houston. After                                 secretary answered,   then fly out with any number
            his first season                               Roger asked if        of stainless steel coffins of those
            at UH, Roger                                   there was any way     who died in action. The coffins
            sustained an                                   the congressman       were called HRs for human
            ankle injury that                              would write           remains. When Roger flew this
            ended his football                             him a letter of       precious cargo back to the states,
            career, and he                                 recommendation        his C-141 had a special call sign,
            transferred to                                 into the USAF pilot   and he and his squad would fly
            the University of                              training school.      back in total silence in reverence
            Texas at Austin in                             The secretary         of the fallen soldiers they were

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