Page 68 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017- Online Magazine
P. 68

June December
                                                                                      Big Dreamer

                                                                                       by Kara Leslie

        A Beacon on a Hill                                                                t 31 years of age,
                                                                                          June Virginia
        Mt. Vernon United Methodist                                                December joined the Army
        Church sits high on a hill as a                                            Reserves to provide a stable
        beacon in the community of                                                 job for her family. She had
        Lubbock. Located at Cedar and
        23rd, Mt. Vernon UMC has been                                              two children of her own,
        the church home for many                                                   four more by marriage and
        of Lubbock’s most prominent                                                even some grandchildren.
        African-American leaders for                                               Her life was very full, but
        over 91 years. The church met                                              she wanted more. June said
        in homes in its infancy, and                                               “I always wanted to belong
        survived a devastating fire                                                to something and make a
        just before Easter in 1965. The                                            difference.”
        current building was erected
        in 1968 right across from the                                              In 1962, the young lady had
        old Chatman Hospital and in                 dropped out of high school, and didn’t receive her high school
        between two cotton mills. The               diploma until ten years later. June remembered thinking, “If I
        members call Mt. Vernon a
        spiritual home because they are             can get my GED, then I can dream even bigger.” She knew the
        able to be themselves and bring             Army could help her to fulfill her dreams.
        their gifts of music, leadership,           Boot camp for a 31-year-old
        graciousness, and service to the
        altar of God. Many have served              might seem insurmountable,      “
                                                                                       I always wanted
        our country and now are proud               but June said, “I made up my
        veterans of the US military. In             mind I was going to be tough,      to belong to
        the next few pages, we will                 and it turned out to not be as     something
        highlight Clarence Priestly,                hard as I had imagined. The        and make a
        Leslie Cross, James Braxton,                young 18-year-olds had it much     difference.
        and June December, as well                  tougher, and some didn’t make it
        as recall the 2015 Senior Link              through.”                                             “
        article on Don Jones. These
        amazing people are still living             After basic training, June became a repair part specialist and
        witnesses to the red, white and             was sent to AIT school. Then in 1975, when she went active,
        blue. They are bold, calling                she was sent to cooking school.  After being stationed at Fort
        on God now, as well as when
        they wore uniforms, asking for              Sill in Lawton, Oklahoma, June went to computer school in
        strength and courage and one                South Carolina and learned to “read holes in the IBM hard
        nation with justice for all.                cards.” From there she was sent to Kaiserslautern, Germany.
                                                    In Germany, June delivered supplies to bases and hospitals.
        Kara Leslie serves as a chaplain with       She recalls how narrow and twisty the roads were, but
        Interim Hospice as well as pastor           getting lost allowed her to see much of the country, while also
        of Mt. Vernon UMC. She is a Board           enjoying some of the best coffee she has ever tasted. Serving
        Certified Chaplain and an Episcopal
        Priest. Her unique ministry offers          in the Army gave June the opportunity to experience another
        spiritual support not only to her           culture and make new friends.
        congregation, but also to patients
        and families facing death and grief.

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