Page 49 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017- Online Magazine
P. 49
challenges to our lifestyle. National who Air Force
[But she] has adjusted all loaned me
like the champion she money when
has always been.” In I was just
addition to many other starting out
accomplishments, “Shelley and short on collateral.”
was a multi-engine pilot
with instruments and Bert Nelson, veteran, attorney,
instructor ratings. She was entrepreneur and philanthropist,
the guest pianist with the is a treasure trove of wisdom
Lubbock Symphony at age and knowledge amassed from
his various and profuse life
16, an All Westerner girl, a
“ Tech and continues to be an experiences. His friend Harold
Freshman Beauty at Texas
Humphries says of Bert, “He’s
My greatest blessings
done a lot of things for a lot of
accomplished artist. She is even
were a dedicated
Christian mother lovelier inside than out.” people.”
And he doesn’t appear to be
and father who “My greatest regrets are not anywhere close to running out
having spent more time with
taught me the my children while they were of words, so if you have the
benefits of hard growing up. It took me too opportunity to sit and listen
work, independence long to realize my great good awhile, you are guaranteed to
learn something.
and loyalty fortune was not luck, but the
“ beyond my
Lord looking after me for reasons
and operation in the Dallas understanding
or expectations.
and Houston areas, as well as
oil and gas drilling, primarily “My greatest
in the Permian Basin southeast blessings were
of Midland. He also acquired a dedicated
the Coors franchise for San Christian mother
Antonio in 1975, and later was and father
an owner with a friend in Halo who taught IF YOU SERVE OUR COUNTRY
distributing, which distributed me the benefits
several beer products in the San of hard work, OR OUR COMMUNITY,
Antonio area. independence
and loyalty; ALLOW US TO SERVE YOU.
“I moved back to Lubbock in two dedicated
April 2006, and married my and talented
first-grade classmate and lifelong wives and With PlainsCapital’s Protect and Serve Program,
friend, the former Shelley Furr mothers, a host
Hall, whose husband died at age of unbelievably military, police, and other community servants
50.” One of Shelley’s children great, loving, receive all the benets of our Select Checking
also died at age 50, but her other forgiving, and account with no monthly fee!
three, as well as Bert’s five, and loyal friends and
their grandchildren and great partners, and Call us today at 806.795.7131 for more details.
grandchildren are a source of joy the bankers at
for the couple. Plains Capital,
“Shelley was paralyzed below First National
of Lubbock and
her lower chest area five years of Corsicana,
ago by a spinal cord injury, and Alamo
which has presented a number of
2017 PlainsCapital Bank Equal Housing Lender Member FDIC
Lubbock Senior Link 49