Page 54 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017- Online Magazine
P. 54

J.B. Roberts
                                                              Do Veterans Also

                                                              Sacrifice Good Hearing?

                                                              by Gayle Willson

                                                  has been Rotary District       is more harmful in some people
                                                  Governor. He’s a pilot, a      than it is in others. Another factor
                                                  Sunday school teacher, a       is the length of time a person
                                                  father and Grandpapa, as       is exposed to loud sounds. In
                                                  well as my friend.             military training and in the field,
                                                                                 loud sudden noises are common,
                                                  Mr. Roberts also has suffered   as well as constant sounds over
                                                  hearing loss, much of it       85 dBs.  Mechanics, pilots and
                                                  due to circumstances he        infantrymen are especially
                                                  faced while in the military.   susceptible. Even exposure to
                                                  Loud noises, machinery         chemicals can take its toll on a
                                                  and weapons training all       person’s hearing.
                                                  took a toll on his hearing.
                                                  Mr. Roberts began wearing      Another factor that can be
                                                  hearing aids in 2016, after    ototoxic (causing hearing nerve
                                                  realizing that he was missing   damage) is medication. More
                                                  out on a lot of conversation   than 200 medications have been
                                                  with family and friends.       implicated, and might be avoided
                                                  After the adjustment period,   or substituted.  The American
                                                  J.B. was once again able       Speech Language Hearing
                     hat an honor it is for       to participate in family       Association offers an abundance
                     our offices to serve     discussions and community          of information about this. Some
            Wveterans. To all of              activities.                                research has found
            the men and women who have        Noise-induced                              that chemotherapy and
            served in the military, we want   occurs when  “                             even over-the-counter
                                              hearing loss
            to say, “Thank you for your                           After the              pain relievers can cause
            service!”                                             Korean war, J.B.       hearing loss. When a
                                              the nerve                                  course of medication
             Mr. J.B. Roberts of Plainview,   cells in our        served in the          is necessary for your
            Texas is a veteran of the Korean   cochlea are        Reserves for 15        health, it is advisable to
            War. The Air Force captain        permanently         more years.            have a hearing screening
            worked in the OSI (Office         damaged                                    before and after to note
            of Special Investigations).       by repeated                            “   any changes.
            Dressed in plain clothes, he      overexposure
            was responsible for checking      to sounds louder than 85           You can take precautions NOW
            backgrounds of Air Force          decibels. “Some 1 billion people   to protect your hearing, and
            personnel. He also was a part     worldwide are at risk for hearing   salvage the hearing you have
            of the Air Force skeet shooting   loss due to exposure to loud       today. If you smoke, stop. Be
            team. After the Korean war, J.B.   sounds”.  A normal conversation   aware of the noises around
            served in the Reserves for 15     is about 60 dBs. A motorcycle can   you. Noise-induced loss can
            more years.                       reach 100 dBs, and a power saw     build over time, and many
                                              110dBs. Teens listening to music   times it is permanent. But the
            J.B. and Ramona (Curry)           often expose their hearing nerves   important thing to remember is
            Roberts have been married for     to 100 decibels.                   that it is PREVENTABLE. Wear
            63 years. J.B. was the Chamber                                       protectors, like muffs or earplugs,
            of Commerce Man of the Year       Heredity can also play a big       especially the custom-made kind.
            in 2011. He is a Rotarian and     part. The effect of loud sounds    LOWER the volume. Please,

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