Page 46 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017- Online Magazine
P. 46

Bill Felty
                                                               A Solidly Built Life
                                                               by Jane Bromley

                                               blimps housed there in gigantic   boys to feed. He became Asst.
                                               wooden hangars. The crews of      Supervising Architect for campus
                                               five or six men would go out on   development. Between  1959
                                               “submarine patrol.” WWII had      and 1971, he was involved
                                               ended, but they did spot a few    in the building of several
                                               sharks occasionally.              campus structures - including
                                                                                 the Biology, Chemistry and
                                               During his time on the east coast,   Architecture buildings, as well
                                               the sailor took advantage of leave   as Coleman, Weymouth and
                                               to visit places like  Washington,   Chitwood dormitories. When
                                               D.C. and New York City. He        that office closed, Bill joined the
                                               loved architecture and was        faculty and taught architecture
                                               fascinated by the beauty he saw   courses for 31 years. He has
                                               in the old buildings. He checked   many students who have gone
           “   don’t have much of a story.”    out museums and landmarks,        on to successful careers in
               That’s how an interview         and even learned to ice-skate     the industry. The professor
            I with Bill Felty begins. But the   before being discharged in 1947.  eventually was named Associate
            gentleman is so easy to talk to,                                     Dean of the Department (later
            and as the conversation unfolds,   Back at Texas Tech, Bill resumed   College) of Architecture and
            more than a few interesting        his study of architecture. His    Engineering and retired in 1994.
            details emerge.                    buddy Ben was back, too. On a
                                                                                    Mr. Felty no longer has to
            He was born to Otis and Arva                                            provide for a family. His
            Felty in 1928 in Lubbock. when                                          wife and best friend passed
            the city was barely 20 years                                            away in 2016. Although
            old and the population was                                              according to one of his sons,
            under 15,000. His education                                             “he still has materials in his
            was launched at K. Carter                                               shed for projects he wants to
            Elementary, followed by Lubbock                                         finish,” he has time to wax
            Jr. High. The 1945 Lubbock High                                         philosophical now. He shares
            School alumnus and his buddy
            Ben Low attended Texas Tech for
            a one and a half semesters. They   certain double date, he and Ben
            enlisted in the Navy together,     took two girls to a football game
            when they found out they were      in Brownfield. One of them was
            about to be drafted.               Jane Ferguson. Bill and Jane liked
                                               each other enough to continue
            Both boys were sent to San         dating until they had both
            Diego for boot camp, but then      graduated. They married at “the
            Bill was sent to gunnery school    Methodist preacher’s house” in
            in Florida, and a radioing school   Clovis, New Mexico in 1952.
            at Ward Island, near Corpus
            Christi, Texas. The story begins   After a time of working for
            to get interesting. He was         different firms, the young
            assigned in September 1947 to      architect went into business
            the “Lighter Than Air” blimp       for himself. But when Nolan
            squadron stationed at Lakehurst,   Barrick, head of the Architecture
            New Jersey. History buffs might    Department at Texas Tech
            remember that’s where the          called, he saw the opportunity    his opinion about America’s shift
            Hindenburg had crashed a few       for a steady income. By this      from an agrarian society to an
            years earlier. The Navy had four   time he had three growing         urban one. “People don’t have

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