Page 45 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017- Online Magazine
P. 45
in 1950, though he warned her as from cancer at age 58. “We asking Bill to
he proposed that he didn’t make were halfway finished with the design some
enough money to buy meat. Avalanche Journal building. bleachers for
She said they’d get by, and his After his funeral, I went from the choir room. He looked over
marksmanship provided plenty office boy to President in one the situation and told Gordon,
of quail, dove, rabbit and sandhill day.” Apparently, he rose well “I’m not going to do it.” Why
crane for the table. to the challenge, designing not? Well, he had drawn up plans
330 buildings throughout for an addition to the building – a
Bill’s parents fell in love with Texas, “drawing in pencil, on choral facility – which the choir
Laura, a brilliant student and a a drafting board.” enjoys to this day.
hard worker, who had lost her Those plans are part
own father at age 9. “She was the of the Southwest “ Bill is widely
most godly person I have ever Collection at the I would known for his
met,” Bill remarked as he spoke Texas Tech Museum, encourage many safaris,
of her many Bibles filled with and one would be expeditions and
her own notes, which continue hard pressed to drive readers to travels around
to inspire him years after her more than a few miles consult the SW the globe. I would
passing. “She also saved my in Lubbock County Collection for encourage readers
job,” as Bill, Jr, now working in without passing a DVDs, photos to consult the SW
the construction office, had been building his company and accounts of Collection for
fired by his father for a costly constructed. DVDs, photos
error in billing. “Laura knew the these exciting and accounts of
error was because of my dyslexia, When I asked Bill adventures. these exciting
so she marched down to that how he came to First adventures. I told
office the next morning and told Methodist Church, “ Bill I had enough
Dad what for. You don’t do that he said “I was born space to mention
to W.G. The man was a dynamo,” there.” He still speaks fondly of his one favorite adventure, if he
he said, obviously still impressed his kindergarten teacher and of could narrow it down to that. He
with the boldness of his bride. his dad’s many years teaching didn’t hesitate – “It was the trip
“She insisted that Dad buy me a Sunday School. “For 25 years with Dad to British East Africa
Friden calculator we took care (now Kenya) in 1947.” It was a
so that I could of everything safari that lasted 98 days and
learn to use it and that needed to was hailed by the guides as the
do his estimating. be done with greatest they had ever seen.
He gave in, the church
and I used building. We At least a hundred great stories
that calculator drew and from our visits will have to be
for 28 years built the third told elsewhere, but my prevailing
and millions floor, added thought as I close is of Bill calling
of dollars in the elevators, his dad a dynamo. It seems to me
business. even put in the that quality carries through the
grease trap for whole family – certainly to Bill
A few short the kitchen.” and Laura, but it also is evident
years later Bill My favorite in their four highly accomplished
had to take story regarding children, Shannon, Tracy, Dan
over McMillan the church and Melinda, 11 grandchildren
Construction is of Gordon and three great-grandchildren,
at the senior MacMillan, including the one on the way.
McMillan’s far Music Director
too early death at FUMC,
Lubbock Senior Link 45