Page 52 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017- Online Magazine
P. 52
Sterman M. Young
From Jermyn to
Germany, Paris to Post
by Gary M. Young (son, Abilene, TX)
in the defense industry at the had been converted to a troop
ship yards in Oakland and transport ship. His infantry
Stockton, California. Their group landed in England and
first daughter, Virginia, was crossed the English Channel in
born in Stockton July 16, assault boats. It took two nights
1943. At the time he received to make the crossing and land
his draft notice, Sterman was in La Havre, France. There they
working as a pile driver in joined the 7th Army, 100th
a dry dock in Stockton. The Division, 325th Engineer Combat
dry dock was used Battalion. The
to repair naval “ engineers built
vessels that were In May 1945, temporary
damaged in the Sterman and bridges and
Pacific Theatre. three others took barges from
Sterman received a truckload of assault boats for
moving troops
his draft notice in TNT to blow up and equipment
November 1943, a bunker where toward Berlin.
followed by a six- German soldiers They were
terman Meral Young was month deferment were hiding.
born June 9, 1921, near Jean, to train his replacement also charged
SYoung County, Texas as the and an additional six- “ with blowing
fourth of five children born to month deferment to up bunkers,
V. W. and Nettie Cox Young. He move the family back to Graham, caves, bridges and other German
attended small country schools Texas prior to entering the Army reinforcements from La Havre to
in Jack and Young Counties, at on August 28, 1944. He received Stuttgart, Germany in the bitter
the farm communities of Shinola, his six weeks basic training for cold of the winter of 1944-1945.
Sherra and Markley, and high the Army infantry at Fort Sam In May 1945, Sterman and three
school at Jermyn Houston, others took a truckload of TNT
(near Jacksboro). San Antonio, to blow up a bunker where
Texas and German soldiers were hiding. In
While working in
the oilfield as a was then transit, the truck hit something,
cable tool driller, transferred to or something hit the truck (no
he married Virgie Camp Walter, one ever figured out which
Christine Potts on Mineral one), throwing Sterman under
July 3, 1941 and Wells, Texas. the truck. The truck had to be
lived in Graham He shipped jacked up to get him out. One
and Markley, Texas out to Europe of the other three guys had both
until December from New arms broken, and after spending
7, 1941. At that York City a few days in the hospital was
time, they moved December 5, sent home. Sterman spent a week
to San Francisco, 1944 aboard in a field hospital and was then
California to work the Queen moved to Paris where he was in a
Mary, which hospital for over a month. In the
52 Lubbock Senior Link