Page 42 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017- Online Magazine
P. 42

                   Royalty                   Sharp Centenarian                                  BRanCH

                                            Written by Martha Webster                           Navy Reserve
                                            and Edited by Catherine Royalty

                 atherine Royalty                              mind include       is hanging in the First Methodist
                 taught journalism                             chopping wood      Church Christian Life Center
           Cand news reporting                                 and carrying       hallway) presided at the wedding
           to thousands of students                            out ashes from     of her parents in 1906. Catherine’s
           in Lubbock and on the                               the iron heating   uncle J. B. Cardwell was on the
           South Plains. These days,                           stove at home      church board that worked toward the
           the interview questions are                         and skating        construction of the current building.
           asked to her instead of by                          down Main          He died before it was completed,
           her. People are curious about                       Street as it was   but the beautiful oak altar table was
           her memories of the Tech                            being paved.       presented to the church in memory
           Dairy Barn, life during the                                            of him by Catherine’s aunt, Katherine
           Depression, the opening of                          Texas Tech         Cardwell. Catherine was recruited
           Lubbock High School and                             accepted the       for positions in the district and local
           how it feels to be 102!                             young lady         Wesleyan Service Guild and she
                                                               where she          also helped create the Canterbury
           She was born in 1915, in the clinic   majored in English, Journalism   Class of which she was a dedicated
           of young Dr. M. C. Overton. Her    and Education and graduated in      member for decades. After retirement
           grandparents’ family home was on a   1936. Catherine began her teaching   Catherine was very active in
           corner of Avenue Q and Broadway,   career in Post, where she lived     Women’s Society of Christian Service
           and Catherine’s first home was one   in a rented room and had a meal   and United Methodist Women.
           block west at Broadway and Avenue   ticket costing $5 a week. She taught
           R. It was sold a few years after her   English, started a school newspaper,   Ms. Royalty is still an avid reader,
           birth to the Methodist Church. Her   directed the school play, and served   mostly of historical novels and
           mother Lyda Mae Royalty had        in many other capacities. After five   mysteries. She has visited most of the
           attended University of Oklahoma    years she was offered a position in   50 states and has enjoyed traveling
           and served as the first court reporter   Lubbock where she taught junior   widely across the globe. Her service
           in Lubbock in 1905. Her father Mr.   high students until 1944 when she   in World War II contributes to her
           W.W. Royalty had the first Dodge   joined the WAVES (Women Accepted    awareness of the complex situations
           dealership, and sold Hupmobiles    for Volunteer Emergency Service in   facing the world. The 102-year-old
           under the brand Royalty and Benson.   the Naval Reserve). After training   hopes and prays people can come
                                              in New York, she worked in the      together to work things out. When
           Lyda Mae was a member of First     Fleet Post Office of San Francisco for   asked if she has had any guidelines
           Methodist Church and Catherine     almost three years.                 for her life, she said, “Others!”,
           was baptized in the old wooden                                         and when asked how she feels
           sanctuary that burned in 1917. She   When she was discharged, Catherine   about living so long, she answered,
           grew up attending the grey brick   returned to Lubbock and to teaching.   “Amazed!”
           church on Broadway, remembering    She taught for over thirty years,
           especially those imposing steps at the   while earning a Master’s Degree
           front.                             courtesy of the G.I. Bill. At each
                                              of four junior highs she started a
           Catherine graduated from Lubbock   newspaper - launching journalism
           High in the first class to finish at the   careers for many students who went
           19th Street campus. (She remembers   on to serve in major media positions.
           citizens complaining that it was   After retiring, Catherine served with
           built too far out.) In addition to   the Department of Human Services.
           being a good student, Miss Royalty
           played the piano, accordion and    There is a strong Methodist presence
           ukulele, sang in choirs, and was   in the Royalty family. One relative
           active in Campfire Girls. Other    was a Methodist Home Missionary
           memories retrieved from her sharp   and Reverend Hardy, (whose picture

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