Page 19 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017- Online Magazine
P. 19

worthwhile takes teamwork. She     I would assume that becoming a     do. That       Rank
             is quoted as saying “I am who I    major general is not a cake walk.   may take      Major General
             am because of the                              The responsibility     several
             people who care                                that comes with        attempts
             about me. I wouldn’t                           that title presumes    to find,       BRanCH
             have become who                                self-discipline        but at each    Army
             I am without those                             and a strong work      juncture,
             who recognized my                              ethic. Annette         make a
             skills and gave me                             Sobel takes it a step   decision
             a chance.” The titles                          further with her       to do the best you possibly can.
             behind her name                                passion to reinvest    Don’t look back.”
             don’t define her, but                          in others. She is a
             they do give her a                             true servant leader,   I agree with her. Regardless of
             platform and a voice.                          who understands        your age, your race, or your
             Her influence springs                          that her own quality   gender, be yourself; work hard at
             from her skills in                             of life depends        being the best version of yourself.
             teaching, mentoring                            on enhancing the       And encourage someone along the
             and networking. She sets a good    community of human beings          way - everyone is a role model to
             example because she had good       around her.                        someone else. And there will be
             examples to follow. She invests in                                    no limit to what you can achieve
             the lives of children, because she   She counsels, “Follow your       and what we can accomplish
             recognizes that they are the future.   passion; do what you love to   together!

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                                                                                             Lubbock Senior Link       19
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