Page 18 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017- Online Magazine
P. 18
Major General
Dr. Annette Sobel Leading the Way
by Erin Agee
years of military service retired general is married to Dr.
culminating in the rank Robert Duncan, a distinguished
of Major General. She scientist in his own right. A
was an Army astronaut graduate of MIT, he received his
candidate, a flight PhD in Physics, and serves as the
surgeon with over 500 Vice-President of Research for
hours, a physician/ TTU.
engineer specializing in
chemical and biological This is a long list of jaw-dropping
defense, a senior medical credentials, but I also gleaned
examiner for the FAA, something just as impressive.
and the former Director The human being Annette Sobel
of Homeland Security for - accolades notwithstanding - is
New Mexico. At Texas incredibly passionate about the
Tech, she offices in the importance of service. She has
TTUHSC and serves as a reputation in the medical and
an adjunct professor in nursing schools for serving her
Electrical Engineering and students with hands-on training.
the School of Nursing. She serves the children of Bean
Her job description at Elementary and other schools
t was a happenstance meeting TTU states, “Dr. Annette with the development of creative,
- we are not sure how it was Sobel currently is an Associate innovative and interactive
Iinitiated, but the end results, Professor in the Department of educational programs. And
at least from my perspective, Medical Education and serves she serves as president of the
are life changing. The meeting on the President’s Council regional Komen Foundation as
at J&B Coffee lasted just an as the Executive for Critical well as president of the city’s
hour, but I could have listened Infrastructure Protection and Veteran Action Committee.
mesmerized for many more. As a Health Security
mom of four girls – I recognized Initiatives, As I listened, I felt
a person who was the sort of TTUHSC and my own enthusiasm
role model I wanted for them. TTU.” She is being stirred.
She is a visionary, a go-getter, residency-trained Lubbock area
a networker, an example, and a in Family and children, students,
mentor, someone with a heart for Community veterans, seniors
children, the elderly, students, Medicine and and others are
veterans and everyone in Aerospace potential recipients
between. She has her handprint Medicine and of the benefits of
in countless organizations in our is a Hyperbaric many of her ideas,
community and in our country. Medicine and the city would
Dr. Annette Sobel is one of the Specialist. In do well to partner
first female major generals in our addition, Dr. with her. You can
country and she calls Lubbock, Sobel is a Human read her article
TX her home. Factors Engineer, and her work called “Visioning Lubbock” on
has emphasized global disease page 26.
Her resume is too long to list surveillance and development
in this limited space, but some of novel, interactive learning But Dr. Sobel Is not arrogant. She
highlights include twenty and educational platforms. The acknowledges that everything
18 Lubbock Senior Link