Page 14 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017- Online Magazine
P. 14

Brigadier General
                             Gary Harber                      Lubbock’s Southern

                                                              Brigadier General

                                    ive-      was assigned to the Pentagon on    of a VA
                                    year      numerous occasions including as    Super Clinic
                               Fold           Chief, Construction Branch, Army   in Lubbock.
                               Gary Harber    Installations Division. He also    Generals Walt
                               was noted      served on the Chief of Engineers   Huffman,
                               publicly for   General Officer’s Executive        Edgar Murphy,
                               boldness       Council under Lieutenant General   and Harber
                               when he        Henry “Hank” Hatch which           combined
                               backed up      advised on matters relative to     efforts to
                               traffic, as    Engineer Unit Requirements and     ensure its
                               he rode        Wartime missions. The Council,     realization.
                               his tricycle   comprised of five General Officer   (See pp. 6-7 for
            down Columbia Avenue in           Commanders, was heavily            that fascinating
            Centerville, Tennessee, to his    involved in Desert Shield/Desert   story.) General
            parent’s grocery store. As he grew,   Storm.                         Harber states
            he earned respect as the youngest                                    that one of his
            professional photographer in      General Harber never lets the      motivations for
            Tennessee. Gary was hired by the   injuries he suffered in a helicopter   assisting with
            local funeral home to take pictures   crash in the ‘60s affect the stalwart   the new Super
            of the deceased. By age 12 he     support he demonstrates to current   Clinic was to
            established his credentials as the   and past soldiers and their families.   “provide for
            photographer for the Tennessean   One of the ways he chooses to      those who have
            and Banner newspapers. His        stay “relevant” is by being active   served this
            “press pass” allowed him to       in volunteering with veterans      country and
            capture images for the reporter   who are on hospice care. Welby     helped to make it the great and free
            who transported him in her car.   Smith, another Vet-to-Vet hospice   nation that it is.” General Huffman
                                              Volunteer says, “The general is    stated, “General Harber’s expertise
             In 1955 after graduating from    a wonderful Christian man who      in developing federal projects has
            Hickman County High School        serves God and others, a true      proved indispensable.”
            in Centerville, Gary joined the   American hero. He still loves and
            Tennessee Army National Guard.    serves veteran hospice patients,   Years after retirement, Gary recalls
            He served his beloved America     and it is an honor to visit [them]   an incident that changed his life.
            for 42 years, retiring as a Brigadier   with him.” Gary is also a member   Gary saw a film entitled “We were
            General in 1997. He achieved      of the Daedalians (Military Pilot   Soldiers”. The war film depicted
            Master Army Aviator and has       Organization) and is a Federal     how many soldiers’ lives were lost.
            more than 15,000 military and     Aviation Administration (FAA)      The fighting scenes triggered his
            civilian flying hours. General    civilian flight training instructor.   personal memories of war, and
            Harber oversaw operations in                                         as hot tears rolled down his face,
            America, Europe, and Central      General Harber wants every reader   he remembered the passionate,
            America. In Europe he served      to know that the Bible is applicable   patriotic soldiers who had served
            as the NATO Northern Regional     to the struggles we face today.    with him. He felt he should have
            Wartime Construction Manager      He saw himself as a “marginal      been there with them. He exited
            and Commander of the 194th        Christian” until he actually read   the theater with a very heavy heart.
            Engineer Brigade (Theatre         the little Bible in his flight suit   Then he vividly remembers God
            Army). In Central America he      pocket, while flying with another   flooding his heart, reassuring him
            commanded the nation-building     pilot years ago. He realized God   that their deaths were “not your
            efforts primarily focused on      was personally guiding him. The    fault.” A large weight lifted, a yoke
            Panama, Honduras, and Costa       trajectory of his life changed, and   he did not realize he had been tied
            Rica, building roads through the   he began to focus more on others.  to for countless years. General
            jungle and constructing schools,                                     Harber wants to pass that message
            clinics, and support facilities. He   Recently, General Bernhard     along to other soldiers and military
                                              Mittemeyer initiated the concept

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