Page 20 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017- Online Magazine
P. 20
Brigadier General
Darrell J. Guthrie The Legacy Continues
by Shari Guthrie
uring the Alabama High School State
Depression, Playoffs causing him, Bo
DDarrell’s father, Jackson, to fumble. When the
Vester James Guthrie, football scholarship didn’t pan
grew up in a family of 13 out, the young man worked
in Carbon Hill, Alabama. power line construction and
Because there were so many park maintenance jobs to
mouths to feed, he, like his pay for his first three years
brother, Lester, left home of college at the University
early to work in the Work of Alabama at Birmingham
Progress Administration (UAB). After his third year,
(WPA). Instead of earning Darrell received a letter asking
a high school education, if he wanted to attend ROTC
Vec—as he was known to Basic Training at Fort Knox,
family and friends—left Kentucky. He thrived at the
home and worked with boot camp in its structure,
the WPA and later joined physical challenge and the
his older brother finding camaraderie found with the
opportunity to serve their his service overseas, Vec rejoined other Cadets. Upon returning
country in the U.S. military. Vec the Army Air Corps not only for to UAB and being offered an
joined the U.S. Army Air Corps the work but for his dedication ROTC scholarship to complete
at the age of 17 and flew as the to service, structure and the his BS in Business Economics,
navigator in the belly of an A-20 brotherhood found in the Army. the prospective soldier seized the
in missions over Italy for two opportunity.
years. Darrell was born in 1962 when
his father turned 40 and grew Darrell, having completed his
In the late 40s, after a few years up watching his father work undergraduate degree at UAB
of odd jobs upon his return from tirelessly as a telephone company as a Distinguished Military
lineman, build their homes with Graduate in the spring of 1985,
each move, and in his “off” time, reported to Ft. Sill, Oklahoma,
make furniture. In addition to for the Field Artillery Officer
his awareness of his father’s hard Basic Course. Since then, now 32
work and success at building a years, he has had the honor and
good life, he was impacted by privilege of serving his country
the stories told by his father and and its soldiers throughout
his uncle about their time in the the United States, Germany,
military and the friends they had Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iraq, and
made. Afghanistan. One of his strongest
motivations throughout his
Out of high school, Darrell years of service and now serving
initially planned to attend as a General Officer has been
college financed by a football to ensure the well-being of the
scholarship—his early claim
Vester “Vec” James Guthrie, to fame was tackling a future soldiers and personnel in his
Army Air Coprs command. Darrell truly lives by
Heisman Trophy winner during
20 Lubbock Senior Link