Page 16 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017- Online Magazine
P. 16

Ways to Honor

          Veterans, Soldiers and First Responders

                                                                Recently, Hospice of Lubbock, Calvert Home
                                                                Health and Lubbock Senior Link partnered to bring
                                                                4th of July festivities to The Plaza of Lubbock.
                                                                Residents and visitors, including several children,
                                                                shared markers and craft supplies to make cards
                                                                for veterans. The festive atmosphere was enhanced
                                                                by patriotic flag-waving and songs led by Jess
                                                                Peterson. Thank you cards were presented to
                                                                four veterans in attendance.  Following are some
                                                                ideas you and your family might consider to show
                                                                respect to those in our city who have put their lives
                                                                on the line for us.

                                                                       Senior Care facilities always welcome visits
                                                                       from families or individuals. Children are
                                                                       especially good at eliciting smiles.
                                                                       Teach your children to recognize active
                                                                       military, first responders, and veterans (by
                                                                       their uniforms or other apparel), and that
                                                                       it is appropriate to thank them.  You will
                                                                       be establishing the art of appreciation and
                                                                       acknowledgement of another’s sacrifices.
                                                                       Teach them to say thank you in sign

                                                                       Record their stories - either by writing,
                                                                       or video recording.   The capture of a
                                                                       personality, the documentation of events
                                                                       and the journal of someone’s life history will
                                                                       become treasures to family, friends, and even
                                                                       future generations.
                                                                       Donate to veteran charities. Utilize
                                                                       fundraisers such as the annual “Lemonade
                                                                       Day” or other activities. Volunteer with
                                                                       veteran support organizations.

                                                                       Fly the flag! Offer to help aging veterans
                                                                       display their flags if they need assistance.
                                                                       When a veteran dies, lower flags to half-staff
                                                                       to show honor and respect.

                                                                       Buy a cup of coffee or a meal for someone
                                                                       who has served or is serving our country or
                                                                       our community. Thank them in person, or
                                                                       ask the wait staff to pass on your token of
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