Page 10 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017- Online Magazine
P. 10

Major General
                      Walter Huffman                          TJAG

                                                               by Jane Bromley

                                                  Law School. But his education   school courtesy of the U.S. Army.
                                                  was interrupted when he
                                                  volunteered for active duty     His 33-year army career took him
                                                  in the U.S. Army. It was 1968,   from Texas Tech Law School to
                                                  and the Tet Offensive had just   Fort Ord, California; from Army
                                                  taken place in Vietnam.         JAG school to Germany; from the
                                                                                  Pentagon back to Germany. He
                                                  After training, he was sent to   was deployed in 1991 to Desert
                                                  Vietnam to command a Field      Storm where he was Gen. Fred
                                                  Artillery Battery. For a year   Franks’ legal counsel. Following
                                                  his unit engaged in intense     that war, he became Gen.
                                                  combat and                                     Schwartzkopf’s
                                                  countless rocket                               legal counsel
                                                  attacks. Part of   “                           at Central
                                                                      The proudest
                                                  their mission                                  Command,
                                                  was to assist       achievement of my          where he later
                      e have heroes and           the Vietnamese that every     oversaw the
                      statesmen living         army in defeating      man for whom I was         humanitarian
            Wamong us, and it may              the enemy in Laos.     responsible came           intervention in
            not be obvious because many of     It was extremely       back alive.                Somalia. In 1997
            them are also humble. You have     challenging because                           “   Major General
            to go somewhere like Wikipedia     of the uncertain                                  Huffman was
            to get the list of awards and      political climate in Washington.   promoted to The JAG (TJAG)
            accomplishments of Walter Burl     But the young officer said of      the senior attorney of the United
            Huffman. He doesn’t offer them.    that experience: “The proudest     States Army.
            In fact, he is quick to give credit   achievement of my
            to others regarding his long list   that every man for whom I was
            of honors and achievements.                                           He was 35th to hold the office
                                               responsible came back alive.”      since 1775, when the position
                                                                                  was created by General George
            Walter, the son of Berl and Zella   In 1971 Huffman was
            Huffman, was born in Biloxi,       reassigned to Fort Hood.
            Mississippi, where his dad was     He was disappointed in the
            stationed during WWII. Burl        policies that surrounded
            went on to become a popular        the Vietnam Conflict, and
            coach at Texas Tech, so Walter     felt that lawyers were in
            graduated from Lubbock High        the best position to make
            School and eventually earned his   changes. That year, Capt.
            Bachelors and Masters degrees      Huffman was one of 15
            at Texas Tech and his Doctor of    selected to attend law
            Jurisprudence from the Texas

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