Page 46 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2017- Online Magazine
P. 46

Ershel Bird

      Educator, Preacher,

      Singer, Humorist,


          Elissa (17) and Shelby (14) Birdsong sing the praises
          of their Grandfather Bird.

            The things we like most about our Papa, Ershel Bird, are that   into acting. He also loved to sing at church and could harmonize as
          he is always outgoing and smiling; he is always happy and making   early as age 6.  His experiences in school taught him what to do  and
          people laugh even when he doesn’t feel good.            not do when he became a teacher and a principal.
            Papa’s dad used to walk 3 miles every day to work. On Papa’s   After he started 7th grade, his family moved to Dumas, Texas
          8th birthday, his parents, Everette and Elizabeth, moved their   where he became a Royal Ambassador at First Baptist Church.  The
          family to the cotton gin in Sweetwater. Papa and his siblings,   youth at church sang all the time and Papa had a very good time.  He
          Charles,  W.A. and Anne made up games with bottles and   played football, ran track and won 1st place in the mile at district.
          whatever they could find for toys. When World War ll started,   Papa went to Wayland University in Plainview when he was only
          he sold newspapers on the street, and by age 9 or 10 had a paper   17, but didn’t know what God wanted him to do yet. One summer,
          route of about 145 customers. He was good at his paper route, but   while working at Shamrock Construction Projects, he was tired of
          found school boring. He made all A’s in basic subjects, but was   digging holes all day and was going to quit at the end of the day.  The
          not on the honor roll because of his handwriting and behavior.    boss came to the construction site and asked if anyone knew how to
          When Papa finished his work early, he had to raise his hand and   read blueprints. Papa said he did, even though he had never seen one
          the teacher would pick up his assignment. Then he had to sit   before. He figured out where to put the materials and told the others
          quietly and wait on everybody else to finish. Since he was not   what to do. He didn’t have to dig holes for the rest of the summer.
          allowed to read a book or do anything else, he got in trouble a lot.   In August 1953 Ershel Bird was drafted into the army. He did 8
            One afternoon he had to stay after school and was told to write   weeks of basic training in Arkansas and learned how to run artillery
          ”whatever it was” he did wrong 100 times on the chalk board. The   survey problems.  In January he was sent to Camp Polk, Louisiana,
          teacher stepped out for a minute, so while she was gone Papa   where he ran his first survey problem.
          wrote, “I will not do ‘whatever it was I did’ 100 times”, and went   Papa was discharged from the army June 15, 1955. He married his
          home. This did not sit well with the teacher.  But he does have   wonderful wife, Bettye, on June 23, 1955 in Clarksville, Tennessee
          happy memories of elementary school, even though he stayed in   and  moved  to Jackson,  Tennessee. He  finished college at Union
          trouble most of the time. He had a loud voice, so he got to be in   University and Bettye, our Grammy, got a job teaching 3rd grade. In
          many of the school plays. He put lots of energy and enthusiasm   1957 Papa started teaching 6th grade at West Elementary School.
                                                                  He remembered his own grammar school experience and was
                                                                  determined to understand the kids and enjoy teaching them.
                                                                    In 1958, their first daughter, Beth, was born with cerebral palsy,
                                                                  and she never learned to walk or talk. They moved to Lubbock in
                                                                  1959. Papa started teaching at North Ave U, later named Mahon.
                                                                  He taught 6 years there and 8 years at Posey.  Grammy taught at
                                                                  Guadalupe.  They were both very good teachers.  Papa enjoyed the
                                                                  kids at the school and made school fun for them. He let his students
                                                                  make the classroom bulletin boards and played volleyball with them
                                                                  regularly. He sang and joked with them, making school a happy place
                                                                  to be.  He believed everyone learned better when they were having
                                                                    Their daughter Beth passed away in 1968, when she was only
                                                                  10 years old. In 1971 they adopted Luci, our mom. They moved
                                                                  to Anton in 1973 where Papa was the Elementary Principal and
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