Page 43 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2017- Online Magazine
P. 43
from that neighborhood school with a heavy heart.
“I went home and scrubbed my white socks until
they were dazzling white. I cleaned my shoes. Next
morning Mama combed my hair. It was perfect. I
smelled good and I looked my very best.” Sherrie
paused. “I’ll never forget that day. I was fifteen, a
freshman, and I walked down the hallway through
a line of students on both sides. They looked at me
with so much hatred and contempt. I could not
understand why. They didn’t even know me.”
She swallowed. “We knew it was coming when
we were in the seventh and eighth grade. But our
teachers told us ‘we are going to equip you.’ Even
though our books were five to ten years old, they
vowed to prepare us for what was coming.” She
smiled that radiant smile.
“They taught our small class of six out of twelfth
grade books and they cheered us on.” Sherrie Skilled Nursing, Home Care Aide,
confided, “I wasn’t as smart as my brothers. I had Physical Therapy, Occupational
to work really hard to get a C. But our teachers
constantly told us, ‘You are the class that is going to Therapy, Speech Therapy, Medical
make it. You’ll be all right.’ All six of us graduated.” Social Worker, Dietician, Wellness
Sherrie’s eyes shone as she continued, “Both my Programs and Honeywell
brothers graduated and one of my brothers was
the first black student to graduate with National Telemonitor Program
Honor Society after his name. We were so proud!
And our teachers were right; it was just like they 806-747-8972
said. We made it okay.”
Sherrie lifted her eyes heavenward. “My fondest
hope, when it is all said and done, is that I will leave
a legacy of love. If people say anything about me,
I pray they say that I loved the Lord and I loved • Meal preparation
people.” • Errands &
That is certainly what I see in this beautiful Transportation
sister in the faith. Her goal is God alone, whatever • Homemaking
the cost, wherever the path may lead. Sherrie is
learning there are no shortcuts to any place worth • Personal Care
going. • Companionship
• Overnight Care
Respectfully submitted,
Jody Boudreaux Wilson
P e r s o na l C are Se r v i c e s