Page 42 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2017- Online Magazine
P. 42

A place

                                                                      worth going

                                                                           and  a person

                                                                        worth knowing

          You won’t meet her equal anywhere.  She personally          out the lab and x-ray department. It is hands on.
       assisted the young man who wrote the grant that funded         They see things up close and personal. It helps
       the  position  she  fills  as  Manager  of  Mission  Services  at   them decide whether healthcare is for them.  It
       Plainview Covenant Hospital.  The position called for a        is a win-win situation for us and for them.”
       bilingual Registered Nurse; Sherrie Wall is neither.  When        Sherrie  has  a  physician  friend  who  comes
       she was called for an interview she reminded them.  “You       from  a  family  of  doctors.    He  knew  he  was
       need  a  bilingual,  Registered  Nurse.    That’s  not  me,  so   expected to become a doctor as well.  And he
       you don’t need me.” But obviously, God had other ideas.        did.  After years of training and a huge financial
       Sherrie fills this position beautifully.                       investment, he hated it.  Finally, five years later,
          She  is  gentle,  joyful,  laughing  and  loving,  humble   he  confessed  that  he  despised  being  a  doctor.
       and  uncommonly  kind.    She  points  the  competent,         But  he  became  an  effective  and  enthusiastic
       compassionate  staff  to  the  mission  of  the  Sisters  of  St.   pharmaceutical  agent.  “So  we  welcome  these
       Joseph…to  provide,  without  cost,  excellent  healthcare     young  people  to  look  things  over,”  Sherrie
       to the poorest among us.  She is fervent and faithful to       smiled.
       that task.  “Ministry must be our constant motivation in          The  CEO  who  hired  Sherrie  occupied  the
       effective healthcare.”                                         office  next  to  hers  at  the  time.    He  observed
          Sherrie is a wife of 46 years.  She and Art have three      the  comings  and  goings  of  those  who  walked
       amazing children. “I apologize to my children every day,       through her door.  When Sherrie confessed she
       but I pray I am a decent mother.  They had to share me         probably spent too much time visiting, he cut
       with everybody because I volunteered everywhere.” But          her off at the pass.  “Sherrie,” he said, “you are
       her  family  explained,  “We  kids  always  had  hot  meals    a fireman. You constantly put out fires, hugging
       and everything we needed.  And we weren’t jealous.  We         and crying with people who need your ministry.
       knew, that’s just Mama.”  Then she breaks into melodious       You are doing precisely what you are supposed
       laughter.  Sherrie  laughs  a  lot.    She  has  found  laughter   to  do.  Don’t  change  a  thing.”    Sherrie  took  a
       is  the  closest  distance  between  people.    “Now,  I  wear   deep breath, “It’s amazing that I am allowed to
       this  silly  grin  most  of  the  time  because  of  my  precious   do what I love doing, what I am called to do, and
       grandbabies.”                                                  get a paycheck for doing it.  It is very humbling,”
          Volunteers have a watchful advocate in Sherrie.  She        she whispered with tears in her eyes.
       keeps  the  roster  for  the  Chaplains  encouraging  them        When I asked Sherrie about the most difficult
       to  come  when  they  can.    She  also  oversees  the  Junior   time  of  life  for  her,  she  paused.  “I  guess  that
       Volunteers,  age  14  and  up.  “We  allow  them  to  shadow   would be when the schools were integrated, and
       services of various departments, observe surgery, check        I left my little black school.” Sherrie walked away

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