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P. 11

about her that can      taught to love each other, to love what we do, and
                                         make even the mute      most of all, to love ourselves. Mrs. Tiger made
                                         sing their most         it so easy for all of her students to realize their
                                         beautiful utterings.    importance in this crazy world. In all the mess that
                                         It took a few more      is around us, we could each take a few notes from
                                         years for my wings      the woman who has inspired so many: “If you love
                                         to fully form, but      with all of your heart, you will grow and grow
                                         my transformation       to evolve into a person that cannot be ignored.
                                         began at the side       People around you will have no way to ignore your
                                         of my wonderful         infectious smile and light on a dark morning. Your
                                         teacher.                heart can expand to as many people and activities
                                                                 as you permit it to do so. You just have to be willing
                                         As one of Mrs.          to let it stretch and not be afraid to get hurt. It is
                                         Tiger’s “angel          never too late to
                                         babies”, I wear that    find your passions
                                         title proudly and       and love. It is never
             boast about her any chance I get. The world is so   too late for you
             lucky to have such an extraordinary woman. She      to do what you
             taught me the importance of a comma and how to      want. It is never
             write an effective and complete sentence. Without   too late to be who
             her guidance, I would not be able to write the words   you are.” These
             and sentences I am now able to write. I would not   are the lessons
             even be able to coherently write this article in her   that Mrs. Cynthia
             praise, if she had not been there to teach me so fully   Tiger taught me
             and resoundingly the importance of grammar. It      and all of her
             is with these skills she has given me, that I am able   other beloved
             to testify of her amazing and wondrous abilities to   students. These
             make an impact on every person with whom she        are the lessons that
             comes in contact. The world would be at such a      I carry with me
             loss if Mrs. Cynthia Tiger never began teaching and   everywhere I go
             inspiring her students to follow their hearts, along   and which inspire
             with their dreams, to discover what they truly and   decisions about my future career. I know if I do
             absolutely love in this world.                      what I love, I will be just as happy as my admired
                                                                 teacher. There is nothing more I could ever want
             Of all the things that need to be emphasized and    than to share these lessons with those who have
             instilled into the minds of children, there is none   yet to have the opportunity to meet her. Happy
             more important than the lesson of love. We are      Birthday, Mrs. Tiger.

                                                                           LUBBOCK HIGH

            Article Submitted by Sarabeth Evans

            Sarabeth Evans, Senior from Lubbock High School,  enjoys participating in Mock Trial, Debate,
            Colorguard, and UIL teams, volunteering with United Way Youth Division, NHS, and the
            Lubbock Symphony Orchestra as a Senior Debutante. She will be attending Oklahoma State
            University to pursue a degree in Aerospace Engineering.

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