Page 6 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017 - Online Magazine
P. 6
by Lindy Jones
"How can I best serve had grown by two - their essential position, Marisue
the Lord and bring precious daughters, Cindy immersed herself into a
glory to His name?" and Leslie. A son Blake job that entailed planning
was born a few years later. for Vacation Bible School,
These might be the most Marisue and Jere joined managing Parent's Day
accurate words to describe First United Methodist Out, Nursery Care,
the lifetime goal of a very Church, which became Confirmation Classes and
special lady, Marisue their family's "forever much more.
Smith. This mother of three home" in the Hub City.
(now-grown) children, And so it went for the next
wife and servant of her Almost immediately ten years. Marisue oversaw
church and community has they became involved in every facet of Christian
devoted her life to fulfilling the ministry at FUMC, Education for all FUMC
the answer to this question. teaching Sunday school, children ages 5 through 12.
And she has answered it volunteering in the nursery She encouraged, taught,
well! and serving the church
in every possible way.
Marisue was raised in The Smith family was
Oklahoma City and was committed to serving
educated at Gulf Park others!
Junior College, Newcomb
College and Oklahoma Marisue was actively
University. While pursuing involved in many different
her major in English, areas of the church,
she met her lifetime soul especially the children's
mate, Jere Smith. After ministry. Because of her
graduating, the two dedicated involvement, she
married and was given the opportunity
traveled from to serve as Director of mentored and loved the
Oklahoma to Children's Ministry. children, as well as their
California, where Feeling unsure of how she teachers, for all those years!
they resided a few could manage this position Her sincere efforts and
years. The couple as well as care for her desire to guide and educate
then moved to San family, Marisue bravely little ones benefited many
Antonio, next to accepted the challenge. children as well as their
Austin and finally With little experience but families.
to Lubbock. lots of desire, she assumed
this new responsibility. It was during these years
By this time, the After learning everything that Marisue followed the
Smith family she could about this very suggestion of the United
6 Lubbock Senior Link