Page 7 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017 - Online Magazine
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Methodist Women's Group and perfectly! She literally embodied crocheting shawls for those in crisis
with their help, she began "Open the description of a Deacon, whose 5. Handyman shepherds to help
Door Preschool". This program job is to "lead and equip church Seniors with repairs or tasks at
served area disadvantaged members in servant ministry”. home
youngsters who needed help Actually, this goal of leading 6. Helping set up recovery groups
before entering public school. church members into using their for various addictions
The children who attended were special talents to serve within the 7. Family Promise - providing
provided with much-needed church and community became lodging and meals for families in
socialization skills, and were Marisue's passion. this program
taught self-discipline and early 8. Disciple Bible Study at FUMC
developmental learning skills. She soon accepted a new position
Again, many lives were enhanced at FUMC, Minister of Lay Ministry,
and changed in a very positive way in which she served until retiring.
because of Marisue's efforts. She was asked by Sr. Pastor Jim
Jackson to spearhead a new
After ten years, Marisue was program called "Lay Shepherd
asked to accept an even more Ministry". Of course, she accepted
encompassing position - Director this and went to work! Marisue
of Christian Education. She would became even more devoted to
now be responsible for overseeing caring for the well-being of her
the education and instruction church family. She realized that
of all church members, focusing a pastor and his/her staff cannot
primarily on adults. fulfill all that is needed in the
church, so she encouraged the
In order to become more effective involvement of lay members.
in this position and broaden her Marisue began enlisting, educating
knowledge, Marisue attended and enabling members to serve in
Perkins School of Theology. After various capacities such as:
completing certain requirements,
she was consecrated as a Diaconal 1. Lay Shepherds visiting both
Minister. Additional training new members and homebound These were just a few of the
eventually led to Marisue members opportunities for service that
becoming an Ordained Deacon in 2. Altar flower delivery to sick and Marisue helped make available
full connection, which occurred homebound to her church family. She made
in 1997. This was in response to a 3. Hospital Visitation - visiting people "helping people" possible!
call to become ordained after much members
prayer and a determination to who were
serve others to the very best of her hospitalized
ability. 4. Shawl
Ministry -
This new title of Deacon fit Marisue knitting and
First United Methodist Church
is celebrating
by honoring those who helped make it happen
March 5, 2017
Anniversary Celebration Service
Lubbock Senior Link 7