Page 13 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017 - Online Magazine
P. 13
paralysis. In the first few days and weeks after the months, now 6 months after the initial stroke. Our
CVA (cerebrovascular accident, stroke) families patient is walking, toileting themselves, and able to
may decline a feeding tube and artificial nutrition eat soft foods. Has the prognosis changed? If so, it
based on written Advanced Directives, or based may be he/she needs to come off of or “graduate”
on families’ past conversations with the patient. from hospice until there is a decline in overall
If the patient is not able to take enough adequate health again, and the prognosis returns to that of 6
calories, death will come at some point in the months or less.
future. But let’s assume that that patient goes on
hospice 10 days after the CVA. He/she cannot speak, At the heart of both hospice and palliative medicine
cannot swallow more than sips of thin liquids, is the use of the Interdisciplinary Team. Recognizing
and is at risk for recurrent pneumonias and/or that professionals from multiple disciplines (Social
urinary tract infections. The prognosis is less than Workers, Nurses, Chaplains, Physicians and others)
6 months. Death would not be unexpected within can offer unique perspectives in managing chronic
the following 6 months time frame. That patient is illness and symptoms, helps hospice and palliative
appropriate for hospice. medicine staff treat the whole person. Do not
hesitate to reach out to your primary care physician
Fast-forward 3 months. The patient is able to or other health professional if you would like to
swallow small bites of soft or pureed foods. He/ know more about hospice and palliative medicine.
she has regained minor use of the left hand but Or, reach out to someone currently working in
is still in a bed-to-chair existence and still at risk hospice or palliative medicine. Any of them would
for aspiration or infection. This patient may now be happy to help answer specific questions you
be getting to a point where the revised prognosis might have or direct you to the most appropriate
is longer than 6 months. Fast-forward another 3 service.
End of Life
• Full-Time Medical Director
HOPE • Pain & Symptom Management
• 24-Hour Support for Patient & Family
LOVE • Grief Recovery / Counseling Center
• Lubbock’s Only Non-Prot Hospice
• Serving 19 Counties since 1987
(806) 795-2751 or (800) 725-0854
Lubbock Senior Link 13