Page 42 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 42




                                                                                           by Tina Bilberry

               he Pride of West Texas Show    something happens when a group      help members know that I believe
               Chorus (PWTSC) celebrated      of motivated a cappella singers get   they can do anything they make up
         T55 years of singing in the          together, and it's just magic! Sweet   their mind to do. Members work
         Lubbock area in 2024. You may have   Adelines is so much more than       exceptionally hard at our weekly
         known us as the "Prairie Winds"      just a singing organization. In fact,   rehearsals, but we try to make
         from 1969 to 2011. Today we have a   there's a saying written on the Sweet   everything FUN! We laugh a lot and
         new name, and 25 ladies in the show   Adelines website front page, ‘You'll   genuinely enjoy learning music and
         chorus, and we would love to have    come for the harmony, but you'll    singing harmony together."
         more gals join our team.             stay for the friendships’ ... and that
                                              sums it up for most of us. I've made   Our newest member, Karen Boggs,
         Even though our group size has       friends, so many friends, REAL      was asked what motivated her to
         varied over the years, our love for   friends who will be there to support   join the Pride of West Texas Show
         four-part a cappella harmony has     you no matter what happens. Sure,   Chorus. She stated, "I was a vocal
         never wavered. We are an energetic,   our primary purpose is ‘singing,’   performance major in college and
         confident team that strives to       but there is so much more to the    have been singing all of my life. I
         produce a strong and wonderful       organization than just making a     had sung with the Lubbock Chorale
         musical sound, performing with       beautiful sound! Most people come   in the past, and I wanted to be more
         pride and unified spirit. We may     into chorus because they like to sing,   personally involved with some
         seem professional and sophisticated,   but they are not musically trained or   ladies. I work from home, and my
         but underneath, we are fun-loving    even ‘accomplished’ singers. Many   husband is a truck driver, so it's
         and youthful, and we aim to          people don't read music at all, but   just me and the dogs. I needed to
         entertain. We join in celebration    there are lots of opportunities to   network and meet some people. I
         of the original art form of singing   learn. As the director of the chorus,   had a friend and former member
         known as barbershop music. We are    I know the part I play in helping   of PWTSC who suggested that I
         one of many chapters in the USA      members realize their goals for     join years ago when my son was at
         and across the world affiliated with   performance, leadership, friendship,   home. I remembered what fun the
         Sweet Adelines International.        whatever it is they want to try to   gals in her chorus had, so I decided

         Annette Gary, chorus director,       do. The voice is a personal and     to check it out, and I'm glad I did."
         shared her insight as a longtime     precious thing, and I realize the   The Pride of West Texas Show
         member of the PWTSC. "I've been a    role I play in helping members      Chorus performs year-round in
         Sweet Adeline for almost 30 years,   feel good about their voices while   Lubbock and the surrounding area
         and I wouldn't trade my time as      they are learning about music and   for civic and charitable events and
         a member of this organization for    harmony. I also know I have to be a   private organization celebrations.
         anything. I'm not a professional     positive influence and inspire self-  We have two annual shows, one in
         singer ... if you heard me sing alone,   confidence in others, even when the   the very early Fall and one during
         you'd know that, for sure, but       work is challenging. It's my goal to   the winter holidays.

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