Page 46 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 46
Grief through
by Laura Landes
rief is an incredibly complex Joyce explains. “You’re not only individual, meeting them where they
journey, particularly for mourning what has happened; are, while also providing a collective
Gparents who have experienced you’re also grieving the past and the space for healing.
the unimaginable loss of a child. future you envisioned with them.
Recognizing this profound pain, This program is designed to remind In addition to sharing personal
Lake Ridge Chapel and Memorial parents that they are not alone in this stories, "Hope for the Hurt Heart"
Designers implemented the "Hope sorrow and that their feelings are explores a range of coping strategies
for the Hurt Heart" Grief Share valid.” to help parents navigate their
program over six years ago, as one grief. Participants learn healthy
of several of our continued support What sets this group apart is its ways to manage their emotions,
groups. This specialized Aftercare emphasis on shared experience. the importance of self-care, and
Program provides compassionate Participants are encouraged to
support specifically tailored for express their emotions, share their
parents grappling with the intricacies stories, and learn from one another.
of grief that come with such a This community of understanding
devastating loss. helps dismantle the isolating nature
of grief, creating bonds that can last
“Hope for the Hurt Heart,” facilitated a lifetime. This group has grown
by Joyce Hewett, offers a unique so large that Joyce has now had to
environment where grieving parents incorporate the assistance of another
can unite. Joyce’s own heartbreaking couple, Larry and Bev Allen, to help
experiences deeply guide her role; facilitate the class, ensuring that all
she has lost two children—one to who attend are well-cared for.
a drunk driver and the other to
suicide. Her journey through grief The program incorporates various
not only equips her with a profound activities designed to facilitate
understanding of the emotional discussion and reflection. From
turmoil these parents face but also guided conversations to creative
fosters an atmosphere of empathy expression, parents are offered
and authenticity within the group. multiple avenues to process their
grief. Each session is crafted to Joyce Hewett
“Losing a child is a unique grief,” respect the unique journey of every
46 Lubbock Senior Link