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hired, Don Shula. Jesse had to watch go on the last cut. The last cut
the news and hear about the great makes it hard for any team
rookies in training camp, but he to pick you up because their
wasn’t even allowed to go near the rosters are full. Jesse went to
coaches or training camp because Saskatchewan, Canada, but
he was bound by his NFL Players the Canadian teams were
Association membership. completed also.
One week, the potential cuts had By the time Jesse returned
been lined up, and the coaching home, Coach Shula was on the
staff was doing some evaluation. phone, asking him to come
The coach clocking their speed kept back and play in the next
going over to the other coaches and game. He wanted Jesse to sign
showing them Jesse’s speed. They a contract, but Jesse told him
finally pulled him out of the group he would have to think about
and kept him for special teams. The it. He didn’t have an agent,
way he finally got Coach Shula’s but he wanted the option to go
attention was in the game against to another team and try to be Jesse had to go on injured reserve,
the Buffalo Bills, when he caught the a starter. Coach Shula finally agreed and he retired before the next season
infamous O.J. Simpson from behind to tear up the contract after the because of knee surgery. He was
and kept him from scoring. Mike game, if Jesse would just sign it for consoled by the fact that many
Kolen, a rookie outside linebacker, that one game, so he did. Long story famous football players have never
won the position over Jesse, but the short, Coach Shula kept him on the been on a Super Bowl team, and
two became close friends. team until Jesse retired after the 1973 Jesse had experienced the privilege
season with a knee injury. of going to three.
Mike suffered an injury one year,
and Jesse stepped up to make 12 Those years with the Miami One year, when our kids were in
tackles in one game and performed Dolphins were life-changing, not elementary school, we went back
well in subsequent ones. The Miami just for the team, but even for the to see the Dolphins practice, and
Herald sports news campaigned hard city of Miami, which was, at the Coach Shula spotted Jesse. (Shula
for Jesse to win the starting position, time, divided by many different later became the winningest coach
but in the end, Mike was able to cultures. The fans united around in NFL history.) He invited us to his
keep the job. their home team, and white hankies office just to catch up. He told all
and the Dolphin song could be seen of us how much he respected Jesse
The Miami Dolphin defense was and heard across the whole state of and why. He also reminisced about
often called “No Name Defense” Florida. that whole team and the selflessness
because Miami didn’t have any and hard work that they witnessed.
big-name players at the beginning. At the end of the 1971 season, the What a special moment that was for
When Shula took over, some of those Dolphins lost 24-3 to the Dallas Jesse and our family!
celebrated players were attracted to Cowboys in Super Bowl VI in New
Miami, and eventually, Jesse was let Orleans. The team later said that In the off seasons (January to June),
humiliating performance Jesse wanted to learn about the
inspired the next year’s cattle industry. He was afforded
“Perfect Season.” They were that opportunity with Bob Bliss in
determined, and in 1972, they Tulia, Texas. He started as a cowboy,
faced the Washington Redskins riding the feed lots, and then became
in Super Bowl VII in Los a cattle buyer. He loved it, but the
Angeles. That win completed cattle industry was struggling in
a 17-0 season, the only perfect those years, and some owners even
season ever achieved in the had to kill their cattle because they
NFL. The Dolphins returned could not afford to feed them.
again to the Super Bowl after
the 1973 season, besting the Jesse also served as an assistant
Minnesota Vikings in Houston. football coach in Hamlin, Texas,
Lubbock Senior Link 37