Page 27 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 27

2023-24                        LOCAL LEGENDS                                                     LOCAL LEGENDS



             and So Much


                 Jim Bertram

             by Barbara Jensen

            im Bertram is difficult to write   After graduation, Jim became an   a reality; meanwhile, he was directing
            about in a short article because   Assistant Planner for Lubbock and,   issues with zoning, urban renewal,
         Jhe's so interesting! He grew up in   within two years, was the head of the   the civic center project, traffic, and
         Beeville, Texas and loved landscaping   Planning Department for the City.   overhauling zoning ordinances and
         as a youngster. He and his brother   Here he completed a feasibility study   landscaping standards.
         regularly designed and improved their   for the reclamation of the Yellow
         yard and the family house. He also   House Canyon as a greenbelt, reusing   Jim has a tremendous faith in God,
         loved drawing and, even now, draws   reclaimed water for recreation. It   and he prayed for wisdom to handle
         and paints watercolors. He has always   became The Canyon Lakes Project.  the job. He was thrown into a very
         liked sailboats and, over the years, has                               complex situation where he knew he
         owned seven of them. The first was one   In 1968, he moved to Wichita Falls   had to learn fast and knew he needed
         he converted from a motorboat and   where he was City Planner and then   help. He feels it was the most exciting
         sailed at Buffalo Lake. Oh, and he's a   Director of Planning for another   ten-year period of his life, creating and
         poet as well.                       two years. They had one of the first   planning the renewal, redevelopment,
                                             computerized land use systems in the   and redesign of the city. Also, during
         At Texas Tech, Jim majored in Civil   state.                           this time, his second child, a son, and
         Engineering and was able to work                                       third child, also a son, were born, the
         with the Corpus Christi City Planner.   In May of 1970, a devastating tornado   last with Down Syndrome. That created
         Jim became fascinated with city     tore up much of the downtown area   some new challenges but was also one
         planning. He changed his major to   of Lubbock. The Director of Planning   of the greatest blessings for his family.
         Parks Administration. Elo Urbanovsky,   resigned, and the city wanted Jim back;   That child died at age 33. His other son
         a renowned professor at Tech, tailor-  so he said that, if the bond issue passed,   now works for a company which cleans
         made a curriculum for him on city   and the monies for Canyon Lakes were   up oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico, and
         planning for his last two years at   approved, he'd return. It passed and,   his daughter works for an organization
         Tech, and he received a B.S. in Parks   in September that year, he returned to   for people with intellectual issues.
 Carillon achieved U.S. News & World Report’s   Administration. During that time,   Lubbock where he made tremendous   Jim and his wife, Glenda, moved to
                                             strides in the development of the city.
         he also worked as a Planning Aide
 highest rating in three categories!  for the City of Lubbock, served as a   He was only 29 at the time and says he   Ransom Canyon in 2002, and she died
         student teacher in labs for landscape   just didn't know what he couldn't do,   there after almost 51 years of marriage.
         architecture, got married, and had his   so he started the planning and figuring   Jim had decided he would not remarry;
         first child, a daughter.            how to make the Canyon Lakes project   but at church, he met Charlotte, whose
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 Lubbock, Texas 79416
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