Page 23 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2024 - Online Magazine
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Learn from those, as well as from grants for the Department of Health her family. After considering the
your subject matter.” Bess knew that and Human Services, to improve the possibilities for Bess, her parents and
would involve leaving her beloved training of childcare workers and brothers gave their blessing. One
home state of Louisiana! teachers. Again, she was challenged brother asserted, “Go for it, Bess.
to capture the focus of learners who Go see what it’s like.” Her family
Boldly, she entered Florida State had little formal education–so she continued to provide that bedrock of
University with a part-time used poster boards to teach content support and encouragement.
assistantship in the field of Clothing in ways that increased the interest
and Textiles within the School of and motivation of her students. In 1981, Dr. Haley became the Dean
Human Sciences. Her goal was to of the College of Home Economics
finish her first graduate degree free A new experience surfaced for Bess Studies (COHS) at Texas Tech
of debt. She also took extra courses Haley when she was invited to work University and served in that role
in human development, family at the state level, setting standards until 2000.
studies, and child development. for childcare workers. To do so, it
was necessary to work closely with While COHS Dean, Dr. Haley
With that degree in hand, she the state Colleges of Education in a worked to increase enrollment,
interviewed with Northwestern spirit of collaboration (but firmness) expand degree offerings, and
State University back in Louisiana based on what she believed was secure approval for innovative
and was hired to teach five sections best for children. In the meantime, programs, including Hospitality
of Introduction to Education. (She Haley was named interim dean Administration, Personal Financial
was challenged to teach classes and then dean--at the tender age Planning, Addiction Sciences, and
which had not received high of 30. In that role, she established Interior Design.
student ratings in the past. In relationships with other deans and
addition, she was to develop a utilized the advice she gained from Haley also served as Interim
professional organization for these experienced colleagues. For University President for TTU during
education students.) She utilized example, the dean at Virginia Tech 1988-89; and in 2001, Chancellor
Charles Schultz’s Peanuts cartoons once encouraged Bess, “You’ve John T. Montford asked her to
and interwove them creatively into got to move on. You’ve got to go become Deputy Chancellor for
the content. Class and instructor to a bigger place,” to continue her Operations within the TTU System.
ratings improved dramatically! In growth and influence. She later served as Special Assistant
addition, she provided refreshments to Chancellor Robert Duncan--and
and guest speakers to entice student Weighing her love for the Louisiana then as Special Assistant to President
attendance at meetings of the area (near family), she considered Lawrence Schovanec.
new organization. Her optimism, the advice of the colleague carefully. In addition to serving on many
perseverance, creativity, and human When a letter arrived announcing state and national boards and
relations skills resulted in success for the search for a new dean at Texas organizations, Dr. Haley contributes
students, for the instructor, and for Tech University (TTU), Bess took to her local community. She
the university. the letter to a Christmas dinner with has served in leadership roles
Bess Haley next received an
invitation to become director of
the Child Development Research
Center back at Louisiana Tech. She
returned to Ruston, where her skills
in leadership and management,
as well as her knowledge in child
development, were put into practice.
Bess worked on doctoral studies at
Florida State University during the
summers and returned to Ruston
to teach at Louisiana Tech during
the long terms. At that time, she
was asked to be Associate Dean. Dr. Haley as the chair for the Board of
Directors for the Carillon Senior LifeCare
In addition to teaching, she wrote Photo taken about age 4. Community.
Lubbock Senior Link 23