Page 36 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 36

SENIOR RESOURCES                                                        SENIOR RESOURCES

            A MUST READ                                                  FOR

          by Lowell Bridges                                              Women

              here is a lot of playing that goes on behind the walls   2.  The accelerating demise of defined benefit pensions
              of the Amarillo Senior Citizens Association, and      (150,000 pension plans have been discontinued since
         Tthis quote by George Bernard Shaw has become              1983, leaving 25,000 plans today, many of which plan
         somewhat of a mantra to its members.                       to close within two years) – Source: Pension Benefit
                                                                    Guaranty Corporation, Employee Benefits Research
         In July 2008, Dr. David Babbel wrote a piece titled “Lifetime   Institute, Mercer
         Income for Women: A Financial Economist’s Perspective.”
         He began with a story about a couple attending a sporting   3.  The transition of the Baby Boomer generation into
         event. Babbel found out that that the husband had been     retirement (the first Boomers reached retirement
         educated at a top American University. He enjoyed a very   eligibility in 2006 and will continue a huge cash drain
         successful career. Shortly before retirement, his company   on our Social Security system) – Source: Social Security
         changed from a defined benefit pension plan to a defined   Administration
         contribution plan. When he retired, he took a generous
         lump sum settlement. His nephew convinced him to invest   4.  Longer expected lifetimes (65-year-old women have
         almost all of it into a promising new opportunity that the   added another four years to their life expectancy since
         nephew would personally manage. Well, as you could         the 1960s) – Source: US Census Bureau
         expect, things went south quickly, and they basically lost   5.  The younger generations, who are being asked to
         their entire retirement savings. To make things worse, his   support Boomers’ unfunded benefits along with their
         health began to fail. His wife, at age 66, had to get her first   own healthcare and retirement needs. – Source: US
         job! They had to remortgage their home. She hoped to be    Census Bureau
         able to retire at age 81—not quite the retirement of their
         dreams.                                                Okay, so we know the problems, but what are the
                                                                solutions? Dr. Babbel continued to say there are only three
         Babbel went on to highlight FIVE overwhelming forces   basic ways to invest your retirement money.
         bearing down on women:
                                                                •   First, you can annuitize a significant portion of your
         1.  Decreasing rates of return on their Social Security    retirement savings, thus, ensuring you will have
             contributions (averaging 1.8% per year for single      income guaranteed for life. You must then invest the
             women) – Source: Social Security Administration;       rest of it in a diversified portfolio to help provide some
                                                                    inflation protection.

                                                                •   Secondly, you could invest in conservative fixed
                                                                    interest investments like CDs or Government Bonds.
                                                                    However, it will take a larger portion of your funds to
                                                                    generate the same amount of income.

                                                                •   The third way is to just “roll the dice” and invest
                                                                    the entire amount in the stock market and hope you
                                                                    don’t run out of money if it goes south while you are
                                            Lowell Bridges          withdrawing funds.
           2513 86th ST ste.A, Lubbock, TX 79423   AFC member 2023  For peace of mind in retirement, he believes option one is
                                                                the best solution since women will need more income due
            to living longer than men in most cases.

           Association of Financial Consultants (AFC) is an IRS-approved
           501(c)(3) non-profit organization. AFC serves as an informational    A special thanks to Tom Hegna, author and lecturer,
           teaching resource for the general public. AFC member fiduciaries and   for the contribution in his publication from "Retirement
           consultants are committed to public service. We offer Educational   Alpha, How Mortality Credits Improve Retirement
           workshops and classes at no cost or obligation to the attendees.
                                                                Outcomes", 2019

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