Page 34 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 34

SENIOR RESOURCES                                                        SENIOR RESOURCES


          by Tracey Sanders

                  hile most people are       heating the surrounding air. This
                  familiar with dry or       raises your core body temperature,
         Wsteam saunas at gyms, the          creating a false fever, which activates
         unique benefits of infrared saunas   a number of healthy processes in
         set them apart. Unlike traditional   your body. Immune-boosting benefits   the harsh high heat of stepping into a
         saunas, infrared saunas don’t heat   top the list, followed closely by pain   dry or steam sauna, infrared saunas
         the air around you. Instead, they use   relief, heart health, weight loss, better   deliver a gentle heat as it slowly
         infrared lamps or panels to warm    sleep, and relaxation.               increases your body temperature.
         your body directly.                                                      The best option is to find a facility
                                             An infrared sauna offers a           that has full-spectrum (near, mid,
         Infrared heat can safely penetrate   comfortable and safe experience,    and far) infrared saunas and listens
         human tissue deeper than            operating at a lower temperature     to your health concerns, long-term
         conventional saunas, heating up your   (usually between 120˚F and 140˚F)   plans, personal preferences, and
         internal body temperature before    than a traditional sauna. Instead of   more.

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