Page 33 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 33

air Force
                                                                                                   25 YearS

                                        In 2013, the Air        recreation, health, and retail services for over
                                        Force named him         40,000 students. His experience of overseeing bases
                                        Commander of the        (campuses, dormitories, dining facilities, clinics,
                                        23rd Civil Engineer     and quality of life) for airmen all over the world
                                        Squadron at Moody       was exactly what Tech needed. In addition, “I get
                                        AFB (Georgia). A six-   to choose my own wardrobe.” He is thrilled about
                                        month deployment        cheering again for
                                        to Kandahar Air         his beloved Red
                                        Base in Afghanistan     Raiders, and his
                                        gave the civil          family can finally
                                        engineer experience     put down roots.
                                        leading international   Lisa continues to
                                        security forces as      work for the Dept. of
                                        Commander of the        Defense, both sons
                                        451st Expeditionary     will be in college
             Support Squadron. In 2016, he was called back      (Colton at TTU), and
             to the Pentagon where he remained until 2018,      VP Albritton is once
             eventually serving as Deputy Chief of Staff for all   again focusing on
             USAF facilities. The Albrittons experienced the    the task at hand.
             rich history of our nation’s capital and, notably,
             Albritton was promoted to Colonel in a ceremony
             at the historic Gadsby’s Tavern in Alexandria,
             a venue patronized by statesmen like George                  
             Washington and Thomas Jefferson.                                  5104 34th Street |  806.799.3677

             One more deployment, this time to HQ Air Force
             Central Command (AFCENT) Qatar, was especially
             challenging. As Director of the AFCENT Program
             Management Office, Albritton “had to stand up an
             entire program” from an office of one, developing
             facilities and ensuring quality of life for 8000+
             personnel. Then, in 2019, the time came to use
             his knowledge to train young cadets. He was
             assigned to the US Air Force Academy as Deputy
             Department Head of Civil Engineering. “I had to
             relearn some things in order to teach,” he admitted.

             Finally, in 2021, when his always supportive wife
             and sons indicated their lack of enthusiasm for
             moving again, Colonel Albritton decided it was
             time to make a change. “I found a job opening at
             my alma mater. It was perfect. I was always a Red
             Raider, and I was ready to come home.” He retired
             in 2021 and moved his family to Lubbock.
             Albritton’s new position as Associate VP for
             Auxiliary Services and Interim Director of
             Emergency Management includes the oversight           We proudly support our veterans. Thank you  for
             of five university departments: housing, dining,      your sacrifice and service to our country!

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