Page 32 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 32

Colonel Patrick
                         Albritton (Ret.)                      The Task at

                                                               by Jane Bromley

                                                            Wray, convinced      skills as Commander of the
                                                            Patrick to come      Operations Flight of the 8th Civil
                                                            to Texas Tech. He    Engineer Squadron, overseeing
                                                            earned a BS in       maintenance of the huge base.
                                                            Civil Engineering    One notable highlight: his Wing
                                                            and participated     Commander at Kunsan was
                                                            in Air Force         fellow Red Raider, Gen. Charles
                                                            ROTC. “They          Q. Brown, current Chairman of
                                                            were my family       the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff.
                                                            in Lubbock.” Dr.
                                                            Wray presented       During the next four years, the
                                                            his diploma at       family acclimated to the DC
                                                            Tech graduation      area while Albritton trained at
                                                            one May morning      USMC Command & Staff College
                                                            in 1996, and         at Quantico, earning a master’s
                                                            Lt. Col. Wray        in military science. He then
                                                            commissioned         assumed various roles at the
                                                            him in the           Pentagon, continuing to focus on
                                                            USAF that same       the job in front of him.
               f you examine the lives of                   afternoon.
               successful people, you can                                        Sandwiched in the Pentagon
            Ioften discover a guiding          After earning a master’s in       years was a six-month
            principle, a thread that is evident   engineering from AFIT at       deployment to Joint Base,
            throughout every chapter. For      Wright-Patterson AFB (where       Iraq. As Operations Flight
            Patrick Albritton, that principle   he met his wife Lisa), the Air   Commander, then-Major
            appears to be: “Focus on the       Force sent the young captain to   Albritton oversaw facility
            task at hand.” As he adhered to    Randolph AFB—first as Director    maintenance for 8000+ troops.
            that standard, a productive and    of Operations of Command          In addition, the engineers
            fulfilling life followed.          Tactical Deception, then as       helped resolve a water crisis for
                                               Facility Program Manager, and     local citizens, gaining them an
            The impressive 25-year             finally, as Military Construction   additional 2.3M gallons of water
            military career of Texas Tech      Manager, overseeing a $10M        per day. “I enjoyed being with
            University’s current Associate     renovation. Son Connor was born   the local workers and found very
            VP for Auxiliary Services was      in San Antonio.                   few cared about politics. Like us,
            not something he envisioned                                          they cared about the quality of
            growing up in Austin. He           The family’s next stop was        their day-to-day lives.”
            assumed he would become a          Malmstrom AFB Montana where
            firefighter like his dad, but his   Albritton served as Readiness    In 2011, Maj. Albritton was
            parents were insistent that he get   Flight Commander for the 341st   named Commander of the 336th
            a degree first. He didn’t always   Civil Engineer Squadron and was   Support Squadron at the USAF
            see where life was taking him,     later promoted to Wing Executive   Survive, Evade, Resist, and
            but he focused on excelling at the   Officer. Son Colton was born in   Escape (SERE) School at Fairchild
            task in front of him and followed   Montana, and the family enjoyed   AFB in WA—the first civil
            the path that opened before him.   traveling throughout the Pacific   engineering officer appointed
                                               Northwest.                        as squadron commander for
            He was accepted to every Civil                                       the 336th. The Albrittons were
            Engineering college in Texas, but   A remote deployment to           glad to be back in the Pacific
            the attention he received from     Kunsan Air Base, Korea,           Northwest, and Albritton was
            then-TTU Dept. Chair, Dr. Kent     stretched Albritton‘s leadership   promoted to Lt. Col.

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