Page 45 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 45

 2023-24                                             FAMILY




            Carryin’ On

          by Jane Bromley

             n 1972, Nixon was in the White   needs without
             House, Preston Smith was         making them
         IGovernor of Texas, and gas was      feel needy.
          38 cents a gallon. Dick and Judy
          McCreight loaded up their young     As much as
          family and moved across the state   he loved his
          from Houston to Lubbock. Rick       congregation,
          was 9, Mike was 7, Jeff was 5, and   Dick McCreight felt called to      for a couple who couldn’t afford
          little Julie was 3.                 something even larger. He said      one. Dick was a visionary, and
                                                                                  “Pray Lubbock” and “4th on
                                              God had invited him to be “pastor   Broadway” are just two of the
          Dick had accepted a pastorship at   to the city.” He organized pastors   outcomes of his tenacious efforts
          a small church near Texas Tech.     and established the practice of     alongside other likeminded folks
          He had been happy as an associate   regular prayer for the city. He     in the community.
          pastor, but it appeared God had     reached out to every new mayor,
          a divine appointment for him.       to city councilmen, sheriffs, and
          He embraced the congregation at     police chiefs, all of whom willingly   One Friday night, he was working
          Peace Tabernacle, and the love was   gave them their personal phone     in his office, when he heard a loud
          returned. He and Judy and the       numbers in exchange for the         banging. He opened the door to a
          children felt at home immediately   promise to pray. “Pastor Mac” also   desperate young man he’d never
          as the church family welcomed       volunteered at the state school,    met. The kid was in serious trouble
          them into their community. Dick     organized a thriving bus ministry,   with a drug dealer because the
                                                                                  gang knew he had tried to defraud
 Carillon achieved U.S. News & World Report’s   loved Sunday mornings, but he   visited countless nursing homes,   them. He feared for his life, but
                                              adopted classrooms in LISD, and
          admitted, “I’m more of a ‘Monday
 highest rating in three categories!  to Saturday’ pastor.” He seemed   put on concerts in prisons. He   he had come to the right place.
          to know how to meet people’s        would even “throw a wedding”        The “city” pastor immediately

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