Page 29 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 29


                                                          Adelheid sewed all the   retired, he and Adelheid moved into
                                                          clothing for her family.   Slaton to live near their daughter,
                                                          When the girls were     Evelyn, and her husband, Cletus
                                                          too young to help, the   Heinrich. Rudolph passed away in
                                                          boys all helped with    1958, and Adelheid in 1966.
                                                          sewing, laundering,
                                                          and cooking. Alfons     Rudolph and Adelheid’s eight
                                                          made delicious cakes,   children went on to have children
                                                          especially chocolate.   of their own (31), who in turn had
                                                          Lidwina and Evelyn      children of their own (approximately
                                                          and some of the boys    98). Their progeny now are spread
                                                          helped pick the goose   throughout the state of Texas and
                                                          down off the geese to   beyond. The German Catholic
                                                          fill the feather beds.   families that settled in the Slaton area
                                                          The girls also helped   brought with them their hard-work
                                                          Adelheid piece quilts   ethic and their strong Catholic faith.
        including the violin and bass. He and                                     The annual St. Joseph’s Sausage
        his son, Edwin, were members of a    and crochet in the wintertime.  They   Festival, an idea that started in the
        ten-piece band led by Joe Heinrich.   helped the boys with fieldwork in   Bednarz family, draws people from
        They met every Sunday at a           the summer and pulled cotton bolls   all over this area.
        member’s house. The women would      by hand in the fall.  Willie, Lidwina,
        make their best dishes. The band     Walter, and Evelyn were each able to
        played for many events and church    pull a bale a day.
        affairs. Rudolph also had artistic   When it came time to butcher a hog   Information for this article was taken
        talent. Many of his descendants have   to feed the family, Rudolph let the   from the book Bednarz, Blaschke,
        a copy of a sketch of Jesus he drew   boys do most of the work, to make   Stanzel Families, written by Geneva E.
        when he was in the sixth grade.      sure they learned the skill well.    Kahlich in 1977.
                                             Many box suppers
        Rudolph organized the Catholic Life
        Insurance in Slaton in 1937 and was   and dances were
        a salesman until 1954, when his son-  held in the hayloft
        in-law, Cletus Heinrich, took over.   of Rudolph’s big red
        He also helped organize the GMMA     barn to raise money
        Mutual (Germania) and was an         for the parish church.
        appraiser for that company.          When Rudolph

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