Page 32 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 32


         Layne Hardesty


         Plank Owner                      In His Own Words

            enlisted in the Navy in January 1991 during Desert Storm
            and went to boot camp in San Diego, then on to Aviation
            Ordnanceman school in MIllington, TN, near Memphis.
         At graduation, I hoped to go to an FA/18 squadron. Instead, I   durability. We cruised at high speeds, turned and zigzagged
         was chosen for the pre-commissioned USS George Washington.   sharply, and even listed at 45-degree angles. That was a very
         In fact, everyone in my class, except for a few who couldn’t   exciting trip.
         get secret clearance, went to the GW, which was still in the
         Newport News shipyard.                               On July 4, 1992, the GW was commissioned in Norfolk,
                                                              VA with First Lady Barbara Bush as the ship’s sponsor. I
         When I arrived, there was nothing for an Aviation    was manning the rail on the flight deck. The crew on the
         Ordnanceman to do but go to more school—not very exciting.   ship that day were given the title “Plank Owners,” a Navy
         But then, in the spring of 1992, we left the shipyard for the   tradition that is held in high esteem. That meant, from then
         first time. I remember heading out to sea for the first time.   on, we were supposed to have berthing privileges and be
         Ironically, it was also the first for the George Washington. Our   announced on and off the ship, (just like the captain) on our
         first assignment was to engage in sea trials to test the ship’s   final disembarkment and on any possible return in the future.

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