Page 27 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 27


                                                                                  legacy of O.D. Kenney. Today,
                                                                                  with Mike Kenney as President and
                                                                                  Andy Owens as CEO, the business
                                                                                  thrives under the watchful eyes
                                                                                  of the Kenney family. The baton
                                                                                  passed through generations, with
                                                                                  Suzanne Altman, Wayne’s daughter,
                                                                                  managing the office, and a dedicated
                                                                                  team, working the counters,
                                                                                  managing warehouses, and steering
                                                                                  the ship into the digital age through
                                                                                  social media.
        guardians of a tradition founded in   quandaries. Unfortunately, the 2020
        service and community.               pandemic drowned out the murmur      The story of O.D. Kenney's is
                                             of conversation at the coffee shop,   more than a tale of nuts, bolts, and
        Kenney's history is entwined with    but its memories linger, along with   gears. It's a narrative woven with
        the progress of the community it     the aroma of coffee beans.           the threads of family, community,
        serves. From the wartime scarcity                                         and an unyielding commitment
        that drove Kenney to become a        Kenney, a man of many abilities,     to quality and service. As the sun
        pioneer in two-step distribution,    left behind more than just a         sets over Slaton, the legacy of
        connecting directly with             successful business. His passion for   O.D. Kenney's Inc. stands tall, an
        manufacturers, to the business's     photography and gospel music gave    enduring monument to a man who
        expansion in 1978, Kenney's foresight   birth to a radio show that lasted for   turned a small Conoco station into a
        laid the groundwork for a legacy that   decades. Even after Kenney's death,   cornerstone of the community—one
        outshines the brightest stars in the   the show, now called "God's Country   customer at a time.
        Texan night sky.                     Gospel," continues to
                                             inspire listeners on
        However, this story is one of        KSSL FM 94.1 and
        companionship as much as             107.3, as a monument
        commerce. The renowned coffee        to a man who believed
        cafe, a Slaton institution since the   in the power of sacred
        1940s, was witness to numerous       melodies.
        debates. It was a think tank where
        the weight of a catfish in water was   As time moved
        debated as passionately as political   forward, so did the

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