Page 25 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 25


                                                        of the family, as well as   lights in the agricultural legacy of the
                                                        curator of some of the    Lone Star State."
                                                        most interesting artifacts of
                                                        family history, including   Like many of the pioneers who settled
                                                        Engine #224. He wrote 80+   West Texas, the Slaton Kittens represent
                                                        pages and published the   the value of family and the importance
                                                        2nd edition of TWKC in    of community. They didn't isolate; they
                                                        2015. He is also passionate   invested. And individually, and as a
                                                        about his spiritual heritage   family, they have continued to devote
                                                        and tears up as he recalls   themselves to the well-being of their
                                                        not just one but two near-   hometown.
                                                        death experiences. He built
                                                        a lovely grotto just outside   Grotto behind Jerry Kitten's house
                                                        his back gate and made
                                                        sure it was situated in an
                                                        ideal spot for visitors to
                                                        drive by or to park and get
        progeny with names like Mohammed,               out to pray or meditate on
        Consuelo, and Chin. They have produced   one of his tree-trunk stools or handmade
        doctors, lawyers, teachers, nurses, factory   kneelers.
        workers, cabinet makers, and everything
        in between. Besides cotton, maize,   The Texas Family Land Heritage Award
        livestock, and every other agricultural   was recently awarded to the Texas
        product, the Kittens have raised     Kittens because of the legacy which
        engineers of all varieties: civil, electrical,   began in 1912. The Family Land Heritage
        mechanical, agricultural and, in Einig's   (FLH) program honors families who have
        words, “the most important: domestic.”   owned and run a continuous agricultural
        They are known for their innovative   operation for 100 years or more.
        thinking and have over 25 U.S. patents
        by 14 different individuals (including   A plaque commemorating the award
        the seven that Jerry holds) to back up the   says that the Kitten
        reputation. It is in the DNA of the whole   family purchased 4
        Kitten family to improve the world   1/2 sections of land at
                                                                         As a Cooperative Member
        around them. That mission was instilled   Slaton on top of the   As a Coopera        ti v e M  ember
        in them many centuries ago. As Jerry   Ogallala Aquifer which
        says, “We are indeed blessed!”       has yielded life-giving
                                             water to families for       I have the power to
        Collectively, the family is faithful to   eight generations      choose more time
        its roots. The Slaton Kittens have been   and counting.         with my best friend.
        supporting their spiritual home, St.   According to Texas
        Joseph Catholic Church, since they   Ag Commissioner Sid
        helped erect it in 1917. The Texas Kittens   Miller, “Every Texan   Competition is coming
        hold reunions every five years, and their   today owes a debt   for LP&L customers,
        numbers continue to grow exponentially.  of gratitude to these
                                             generations of Texans      but be assured that
        Jerry Kitten is recognized as the    who work the soil.         your locally-owned
        voluntary historian and genealogist   They are the brightest    Co-op will continue
                                                                        to take care of your
                                                                        electric business so
                                                                                                   Kennedy Bryant and her best
                                                                        you can take care         friend, Luigi. Her parents, Jarrod
                                                                        of your family.            and Whitney, have been Co-op
                                                                                                      members since 2011.

                                                                                Your source of power. And information.
                                                                           806.775.7766 • | Follow us on Social Media

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