Page 20 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 20




         Your Bank

            n times of economic uncertainty,     low balances. Enable these
            having a good relationship with      alerts to stay informed about
         Iyour bank is more important than       unusual activity and report
         ever. James Arnold, President and       any unauthorized transactions
         CEO of American Bank of Commerce,       immediately.
         stresses the importance of banking                                          or providing any sensitive
         with a local community bank, with   •  Create strong passwords. Use         information unless you are sure
         people who know your name.              unique and strong passwords         of the source.
         Having a personal relationship          for your online banking and
         with your banker and knowing            financial accounts, avoiding     •  Keep your devices secure. Ensure
         that person is accessible to you is     easily guessable information like   that your computer, smartphone,
         especially important.                   birthdays or names. Consider        or tablet has up-to-date antivirus
                                                 using a password manager to         and security software, and
         Below are steps you can take to keep    securely store your passwords.      regularly update your operating
         your money safe:                                                            systems and applications to fix
                                             •  Enable two-factor authentication     any security vulnerabilities.
         •  Make sure your bank monitors         whenever possible. This adds
             their risk daily, has strong, stable   an extra layer of security by   •  Use secure networks. Avoid
             assets, and is a good steward       requiring a second form of          accessing your financial accounts
             of the money you deposit with       verification, such as a fingerprint   or making transactions on public
             them. Choose a bank that is         or code sent to your mobile         Wi-Fi networks. Use secure,
             insured by the government and       device or email.                    password-protected networks,
             has strong security measures in                                         or consider using a virtual
             place.                          •  Be cautious with personal            private network (VPN) for added
                                                 information, such as social         security.
         •  Regularly monitor your accounts      security numbers, bank
             by keeping a close eye on your      account details, or credit card   American Bank of Commerce bankers
             bank accounts and credit card       information.                     are ready to help you navigate the
             statements for any suspicious                                        complexities in protecting your
             activity and set up account alerts.   •  Be vigilant against phishing   money and earning interest on your
             Many banks offer account alerts     scams: Be cautious of emails,    deposits.  We are committed to being
             via text or email for various       texts, or calls asking for personal   trustworthy partners with you, now
             activities on your account,         or financial information. Avoid   and into the future.
             such as large transactions or       clicking on suspicious links

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