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P. 70




         Paul & Judy

          by Jane Bromley

                ccording to former NFL       After graduation, 18-year-old      It was during those college years
                coach Jimmy Johnson,         Paul chose to come to Texas Tech,   that the U.S. became involved in
         A“The difference between            sight unseen. His friend's father   Vietnam. Paul saw an opportunity
         ordinary and extraordinary is that   convinced the boys that Tech      to do something extra. He joined
         little extra.” Judy and Paul Rostad   would be a good place to continue   ROTC and was commissioned as
         insist they are just ordinary folks,   their education. Paul earned a   a second Lieutenant. He served
         but it doesn’t take long to realize   BA in marketing in 1968, but not   on active duty from 1971 to 1973
         they have that little something     before enjoying everything the     and spent 28 years in the Reserves,
         “extra.”                            university had to offer. He joined   achieving the rank of Lt. Col.
                                             a social fraternity and a service   In 1975. Paul earned a masters
         Their childhoods were rather        fraternity and enjoyed all the     in Guidance and Counseling
         typical. Paul grew up in Dallas     activities that went along with    and went to work for the Texas
         where his dad, Clarence, a WWII     those organizations. Athletic      Rehab Commission—helping
         veteran, worked for Chevrolet for   events were especially exciting for   handicapped adults return to
         over 40 years. Paul, an only child,   the enthusiastic Red Raider.     employment. From ‘76 to ‘83, he
         graduated from Bryan Adams                                             invested himself in assisting that
         High School in 1963. Meanwhile,     Judy's mom Amye was a 1938         community. When Judy’s dad
         across the state, Judy grew up in   graduate of Tech, so TTU was       retired from Childress Hardware
         Idalou, the only child of Richard   an obvious choice for her. She,    in 1983, Paul stepped in. He was
         and Amye Jay. Richard was also      too, took full advantage of her    just the “extra” the historic store
         a WWII veteran and a coach, and     undergraduate years and thrived    needed. Paul went on to manage it
         Amye was a Home Economics           while continuing her education.    for 28 years.
         teacher. When Richard returned      Judy earned her BS in Home
         home from his service, he went      Economics Education in 1968.       After graduating from Tech, Judy
         to work for Mr. Childress, who                                         was hired by Pioneer Natural Gas
         owned the hardware store in         Paul and Judy met on a blind date   Co. to do home demonstrations,
         downtown Lubbock. In 1955,          at a Texas Tech basketball game.   until the army took them to
         Richard bought the historic store.   From the beginning, the two       El Paso. When they returned,
         Like Paul, Judy had a pleasant      shared a passion for Red Raider    Judy worked for LISD’s DEBT
         childhood, and she graduated        athletics, and their school spirit   (Developmental Education—
         from Idalou High School in 1964.    has never waned.                   Birth-Two)—Early Childhood
                                                                                Intervention program, assisting

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