Page 74 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 74




                                                                                    by Ted Wilson

         “      ood grief!” That was        were droughts, accompanied by    lost to us. Yes, we grieve over lost
                Charlie Brown’s go-to       hailstorms and the occasional    things, lost dreams, lost abilities,
         Gexclamation when things           “100-year flood.”  It left me heavily   lost relationships, and that is
          didn’t go well. That statement    in debt and feeling destitute.  In   where grief gets so real, or even
          seems like an oxymoron. Grief,    that dark time, I turned to the   surreal. Lost relationships define a
          good? I’m once again facing grief,   only One who could fill that   separation of a bond that only love
          this time after the death of my   vast void I was experiencing.    can form. And initially, at least, it’s
          wife, Jody. In the midst of her own   I prayed and wept, . . . and I   like existing in a dream-like world
          grief, our daughter in the Lord,   consumed the Scriptures. The    where reality is upended. Love
          Stephanie Bolton, has written an   psalmists, especially David, could   was reality, and it now seems so
          article in this magazine describing   express for me my complaints,   lost.
          their relationship over the last   disorientation, and distress and
          25 years. Jane Bromley, one of    then of reorientation through    Over the intervening years, I
          the editors of Lubbock Senior Link   thanksgiving and praise.      have “lost” my best friend, other
          as well as Jody’s two books, is a                                  friends, my parents, and now
          fellow traveler in this grief process,   As a C.S. Lewis fan, I read A Grief   my wife of nearly twenty-three
          her husband, Bert, dying six      Observed, written after the death   years. But the hardest was the first
          days after Jody. We can be fellow   of his wife, Joy. He begins, “No   because love was rejected more so
          travelers, but grief is unique to   one ever told me that grief felt so   than lost. And I was less mature in
          each one of us. I can grieve with   like fear. I am not afraid, but the   my faith. But on the upside, that’s
          someone but never for them.       sensation is like being afraid. The   when my faith and love for God
                                            same fluttering in the stomach, the   grew by leaps and bounds. The
          This is not the first time that I   same restlessness, the yawning.   Holy Spirit is a very good Teacher,
          have faced grief of immense       At other times it feels like being   Counselor, and Comforter.
          proportions. Almost four decades   mildly drunk or concussed.
          ago, my wife and mother of my     There is a sort of invisible blanket   But now I am fresh in this season
          children decided she no longer    between the world and me. I find it   of grief. Jody was such a gifted,
          loved me and filed for divorce.   hard to take in what anyone says.   Holy Spirit-filled presence, and her
          That was a devastating time for   Or perhaps, hard to want to take   absence leaves a huge vacancy as
          me, for not only was I losing the   it in.”                        I sit here surrounded by pictures
          love of my youth, but I was also                                   of her. The emptiness is tangible.
          losing my children, in a sense.   I could and can identify. There   I miss so many things. I miss our
          The pain was unbearable, a deep   is a sort of lostness associated   regular lunch dates at Red Lobster,
          soul pain. I was a farmer, and    with grief, primarily because    and I especially miss being able to
          my memories of farming then       something or someone has been    tell her I love her. Here is where

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