Page 66 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 66
and Ray Davis, an elderly
couple. I walked up to
their door and introduced
myself, and they told me
that, the previous night,
they had had a visitor from
the military who told them
their son had been killed in
Iraq. They were devastated.
So really the first ministry
was to Ray and Minnie.
“At first, we just wanted to
minister to them. But over
the years, it is amazing
how God has used Ray and
Minnie. They were always
He talked to the local police. The for prayer for one hour. Then they very faithful at the Dream
number one crime area in Lubbock divided into groups to walk the Center. I always felt like they were
was identified. However, there were neighborhood and pray. the first fruits. The very first day we
several churches already serving in were knocking on doors, God gave
that area and doing a good job, and Things started to escalate. us some fruit.”
God had said, “Take the light of the Individuals began to have a heart After trying to lease a building in
Kingdom where there’s no light.” for neighborhood needs. One lady the area and finding nothing, the
Research started on Lubbock’s gave clothing away out of the trunk six-acre lot they walked by each
second highest crime area. of her car. Two ladies got Mrs. Baird
to donate an old truck to the Dream week came to their attention. The
Then-LISD Superintendent Wayne Center, and they started collecting out-of-town owners were located,
Havens explained one problem food. They could feed 70 families the land was purchased, and a
for the children in that area. It was out of that one truck. building was begun.
common for some families to be Money was tight, and the building
evicted back and forth between Jackie remembers, “At first, I told contractor, Joe Reed, was committed
the school boundaries of Bean and them, ‘Don’t knock on any doors. to keeping costs low. For those
Harwell several times in one school Just walk up and down the streets who wanted to help, a booklet was
year. That meant their children and pick up trash.’ And we always distributed to the congregation. It
were uprooted often. They had had little bags of candy to give to gave the cost of each needed item —
been given the nickname “ping kids. And I said, ‘If anyone asks right down to the cost of one brick
pong kids.” Compassion for those what you’re doing, tell them that at 85 cents. The daughter of Bobby
children touched Jackie and Linda’s you are with the Dream Center, and Jernigan, who owned Lubbock Brick
hearts. one day there is going to be a Dream
Center in their neighborhood.’ We came home and said, “Dad, I want
Further research showed there was did that for several weeks.” to help build the Dream Center.
no real church in that entire square Will you give me a special deal on
mile. The area seemed to fit all the “I’ll never forget the first day I told bricks, so it doesn’t cost me 85 cents
criteria needed. them we could knock on doors, I a brick?” From that, the Lord asked
was walking 29th Street, and Drew Bobby to supply all the bricks to
Jackie received permission to meet Brown was walking 30th Street. build the Dream Center, and he did.
in front of Bean Elementary. Every Drew came around and said, That is just one of the ways God
Saturday at 9:00 am, 50-100 people ‘Pastor, come with me.’ I went supplied.
from COTR’s congregation met around to the little house of Minnie
66 Lubbock Senior Link