Page 46 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 46
a Rich History with Texas Tech
arillon LifeCare Community skilled nursing facility and
serves Lubbock and West replaced the old Health Center,
CTexas as the only retirement “The Villager.” In April 2001,
community to offer a true LifeCare “Windsong” opened with
program within our continuum of 73 new independent living
care. We have been around for 48 apartments. In the fall of 2004, of life, including many second-
years! the Board changed the name to generation residents. Community
Carillon LifeCare Community, which amenities include four dining
The main building (now Pointe exists today as a self-owned, not- venues, two fitness centers, an
Plaza) was constructed in 1966 as a for-profit retirement community. indoor heated swimming pool,
dormitory for Texas Tech University, LifeCare Services, LLC began libraries, card rooms, game rooms,
and it was named “The Matador.” management services for Carillon in billiards room, wood shop, coffee
Throughout the years, many February 2003. bar, cocktail bar, beauty and barber
professors and leaders at Texas Tech shops, and a club house.
have moved to Carillon, and several Carillon houses 256 independent
had lived here when it was a dorm. living residences, including 196 Carillon’s primary offering is the
So, they have come full circle. apartments, 30 cottages, and 30 LifeCare program, which provides
villas. Assisted Living is comprised residents the opportunity to
In 1975, John Knox Village (JKV) of 45 apartments and divided into move through the continuum of
purchased the site from Texas Tech Bellecourt, a state-certified level “A” health care at virtually no increase
University, opened a retirement facility, and Bellecourt South, a state- in monthly expenses. LifeCare
community, and became the owner certified level “B” facility. Carillon residents pay a one-time entry fee,
and operator as part of a chain House is the community’s Medicare- and the amount is dependent on
headquartered in Lee’s Summit, certified skilled nursing facility, with the size of the home and number of
Missouri. A disassociation from the 140 beds and a certified Alzheimer’s occupants who reside there. We are
JKV parent company occurred in and dementia neighborhood. proud to partner with Texas Tech
1982, but not-for-profit operations University and wish them a very
continued as JKV (in name only) Carillon has attracted a variety of happy 100-year anniversary.
under a local Board of Directors. residents from many different walks
In 1990, this Board changed the
name to Carillon Senior Living.
In November 2000, construction
ended for “Carillon House,”
which opened as a 120-bed,
46 Lubbock Senior Link