Page 42 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 42


         JOINT WILLS and


                                                                                                 by Lee Franks

               ecently, I had the opportunity   a couple at the same time and dealing   a practical matter, the original joint
               to help a client probate a joint   with overlapping estates.       Will is filed with the county clerk as
         RWill, and it brought to my                                              part of the probate process, requiring
         mind the questions and issues arising   Joint Wills, created before September   the applicant probating the Will of
         when two or more people or parties   1, 1979, often created serious      the survivor to keep or maintain a
         try to make their testamentary plans   difficulties for the second one of   certified copy of the original Will.
         in some coordinated fashion. These   them to die because Texas courts    As to contractual Wills, if a couple
         situations commonly arise because   commonly treated joint Wills, made   wishes to execute Wills binding each
         a couple has children from prior    before that date, as contractual,    other to a particular testamentary
         relationships, and they intend to bind   preventing the survivor from making   plan, they should seek the assistance
         themselves to some compromise plan   any other testamentary plans after   of a competent attorney to ensure
         to distribute their estates upon the   the death of the first or altering   that their Wills actually accomplish
         death of the first and then the second   the composition of the resulting   the plan that they have in mind and
         of them. However, some couples      combined estate during the life of   that the Wills conform to §254.004,
         execute a joint Will because it seems   the survivor. Even mutual Wills, not   making them indeed contractual.
         more efficient having one rather    intended to be binding or reciprocal,
         than two, or because the mutual     could be treated as contractual under
         undertaking has romantic overtones   some circumstances.
         or signals marital unity.
                                             Effective September 1,
         First off, it helps the discussion to   1979, however, the Texas
         define some terms up front; other   Estates Code §254.004
         definitions will follow at appropriate   required express language
         points. Throughout this comment,    to make joint Wills or
         the capitalized “Will” refers to a   mutual or reciprocal Wills
         last Will and testament to avoid    contractual. Specifically,
         confusion with “will,” the verb. An   a contract to make a Will
         “estate” refers to everything a person   or other testamentary gift
         owns, whether separately, jointly   irrevocable requires a
         with another, or in community with   binding and enforceable
         a spouse. A joint Will contains the   written agreement or a Will
         related testamentary plans of two or   that states the existence of
         more individuals in a single writing   the contract and includes
         or instrument, and mutual Wills     the material provisions of
         contain the related testamentary    that contract.
         plans of two or more individuals
         in multiple instruments. The term   As a takeaway from this
         “mutual Will” seems to apply        comment, couples should
         generally to a joint Will, contractual   avoid using joint Wills,
         or reciprocal Wills, as well as mirror   partly due to their complex
         Wills or any other Wills executed by   history in the courts, but as

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