Page 51 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 51
beautiful memory! Ruby said,
“Working at the daycare was
not about the money. It was
always about the children,
making sure they knew they
were safe and loved.”
In August 2022, the Early
Learning Centers of Lubbock
opened a New Daycare
Six generations
Center, and Ruby Phenix
was honored to have the
new center named after her. At the ribbon cutting and Open House, everyone
congratulated Mother Ruby Phenix for her achievements and dedication
throughout 51+ years of caring for Lubbock children.
The Executive Director of the Early Learning Centers and the District 2 City
Councilwoman were both on hand to speak and to thank Ruby for a job well
done. Ruby was thrilled to be honored, but if you ask her now how she feels
about it, she will tell you, “To God Be All the Glory for the things He has done.”
The Ruby Phenix Early Learning Center is located at 1301 Vanda Ave. In
Lubbock Senior Link 51