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P. 82



          Jancy Rodgers

           Still Investing                            By Ted Wilson

              teve and Jancy are known as    Jancy was born to Guy and
              Coach and Mrs. Rodgers in      Margaret Ginn in Floydada.
         Sseveral communities, most          Her two brothers, Vaughn,
          notably Petersburg, where they live   who died in 1990, and Pat, a
          on their family farm north of town,   retired Methodist minister/
          surrounded by cotton fields and    counselor, completed her            and Jancy and Steve could not
          wind chargers. They have produced   immediate family. Jancy earned a   communicate. Imagine the relief
          two sons who are also teachers/    degree in Home Economics with an    when Jancy found out that her fiancé
          coaches—leaving a legacy beyond    Elementary Education certification.  was safe!
          their family, the classroom, and the
          playing field.                     While at Tech, Steve and Jancy were   That next fall they moved to
                                             introduced by a mutual friend on    Lockney, where Steve taught science
          Steve and his twin sister, Vicki, were   a blind date. It led to many more,   and coached in Jr. High and Jancy
          born to Sidney and Oneta Rodgers   and they married May 16, 1970, at   taught Home Ec. Three years later,
          in Plainview, along with younger   Floydada Methodist Church. The      they got a call from the Texline
          siblings, Richard and Amy. Sidney   date is significant because it was only   superintendent, Steve’s former high
          owned Rodgers Well Service, a      five days after the May 11th tornado   school coach, offering him the head
          business Richard has continued.    that devastated Lubbock.            football coaching job. They loved
          But Steve felt a different calling and                                 being In Lockney where they were
          graduated from Texas Tech in 1971   Jancy was in Floydada at the time,   close to both of their families, but
          with a Physical Education/History   but Steve’s friends had planned    the superintendent’s words, “If you
          degree, intent on teaching and     his bachelor party at one of their   coach football like you played, I want
          coaching.                          apartments in Lubbock for that      you,” spurred them to sign on the
                                             Monday evening, May 11. The group   dotted line. The couple agreed that
                                             decided to move their party to White   the year in Texline was a
                                             River Lake but failed to notify Jancy    “learning experience.”
                                             of the change of plans. The tornado
                                             spawned just east of Tech, and      Munday High School was the next
                                             the apartment where the bachelor    step, where Steve was an assistant
                                             party was to have been held was     coach for three years, before
                                             demolished.                         becoming head coach for two years.
                                                                                 Jancy taught fourth grade, and sons
                                             Steve and his buddies heard about   Brannon and Kirk were added to
                                             the tornado the next morning. When   the family. One of Steve’s fondest
                                             they tried to return to Lubbock,    memories was a game with rival
                                             National Guard troops prevented     Knox City, which found them behind
                                             their entry. Phone lines were down,

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