Page 78 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 78


        100 YEARS of


          DE LUBBOCK

         by Juanita Guevara, Richard Magallanes and Rufus Martinez

              rom an abandoned               During the pastorship
              schoolhouse on Avenue K to     of Rev. R.C. Campbell,
         Fthe present building at 301        First Baptist Church
         North Sherman Avenue, Primera       began sponsoring the
         Iglesia Bautista continues to be a   Mexican Mission with
         beacon of light for the Hispanic    the help of the Texas
         community of Lubbock, Texas.        Home Mission Board.
         As the church celebrates its 60th   The church met on
         anniversary as an organized church   Avenue K, with Mr.
         and 100th anniversary as part of the   W.A. Bowen in charge
         first organized evangelical work    of the Mission. Shortly              1949 to 1951. In 1951, Rev. Gilberto
         among the Hispanic residents of     after, Rev. Torres from San Angelo   C. Rodriguez was called as pastor.
         Lubbock, the mission remains: “to   was brought in as pastor. The early   During his ministry, the present
         spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to   members were the Espiridion       building, at the corner of North
         their neighbors near and far.”      Martinez, Julian Martinez, Flores,   Sherman Avenue and Baylor Street,
                                             and Bentura families.                was built. It was dedicated on May
         Seeing the lack of any evangelical
         work among the growing Hispanic     During the Great Depression and      9, 1954. The cost of the sanctuary
         population, Lubbock’s First Baptist   until after World War II, the Mission   and parsonage next door was
         Church took the lead. The work      was pastored by several men. Juan    $53,597.27.
         began humbly on April 3, 1923, in an   Antonio Lopez, area missionary,   In 1961, Rev. Epifanio Salazar was
         old school room. Spanish-speaking   served until his death. Pastor       installed as the new pastor. Under
         folks from different denominations   Lopez was followed by Rev. Julian   his leadership, the congregation
         gathered to worship in their        Ramirez, who occupied the pulpit     continued to grow and ceased being
         common language. However, due       from 1938 to 1941. He was followed   a Mission, establishing itself as a
         to the reconstruction of the school   by another area missionary,        self-sustaining church. It became
         building, the group ended up in     Francisco Montero. The church        Primera Iglesia Bautista de Lubbock.
         smaller groups, meeting in homes    also had interim pastors, including   The dedicatory service was held
         according to their denominations.   Brother Joe Hardcastle and Brother   on September 1, 1963. Rev. Salazar
         One group, led by Espiridion        Ed Thomas from FBC.                  continued his ministry until 1969.
         Martinez, met at his home on
         Avenue L. It became the core        Hermano E. A. (Espiridion)           Rev. Adan G. Gutierrez was called to
         group that would become the         Martinez returned to assume the      pastor in 1970. During his pastorate,
         Mexican Mission.                    pastorship of the Mission from       the church was recognized by

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