Page 84 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 84



          Finds New Life


                n a cold winter day in Fort   disability cases involving a mixture   their present job because they have
                Worth in 2021, Larry Marcy   of legal and medical issues. Social   physical and/or mental impairments
         Odecided to retire after            Security has two programs for those   should consult with a lawyer or
         working for 25 years as a Federal   who are unable to work because of    authorized representative who
         Administrative Law Judge, having    physical or mental impairments.      specializes in disability law. They
         decided over 10,000 disability cases.   Now, as a lawyer representing these   help you by doing such services as
         He contemplated living a pastoral   individuals, Larry has, in effect,   attending any interview or hearing
         life on his land in the country outside   joined the other side, helping others   and helping you obtain medical
         of Fredericksburg. But after a few   get disability benefits by navigating   records; obtaining information from
         months of tending the sheep and     the myriad of regulations in one of   your Social Security file; requesting
         clearing brush, he realized that he   the world's largest bureaucracies, the   reconsideration, a hearing, or an
         missed the legal profession and     Social Security Administration. For   Appeals Council review; preparing
         decided to start a Social Security   instance, one chapter of the Social   you for the hearing; and attending
         disability practice in his hometown of   Security operating manual is 20,000   the hearing before an administrative
         Lubbock. He chose Lubbock because   pages long.                          law judge.
         of its down-to-earth friendly people,
         and frankly, to get away from the   Larry pointed out that, although the   Having met new friends and being
         heavy traffic.                      disability programs cover people of   able to help the disabled, Larry
                                             any age, seniors do not need to have   enjoys his new life in Lubbock.
         He had left Lubbock at age 22 to    as severe an impairment as those     “Don’t think retirement has to
         attend the University of Houston law   under age 50, and that if someone   be a mundane life,” he advises.
         school. After graduating from Texas   is designated as disabled under the   Retirement is not the end of a career,
         Tech, he packed his belongings in his   giant SSDI program, they qualify   but rather an opportunity to have an
         small Karmann Ghia Volkswagen       for Medicare without having to wait   even more meaningful life, the joie de
         and drove to Houston, a place that   until they are 65. Claimants run    vie (joy of life).
         seemed enormous and frightening.    the whole
         As he started attending classes, he   gamut, from
         recalled that a junior high school   unskilled
         teacher had tried to dissuade him   workers to
         from contemplating becoming a       physicians.
         lawyer because “only good, smart    Therefore,
         students can do that.” Larry proved   in general,
         him wrong by becoming an Assistant   people who
         U.S. Attorney and then a Federal    believe
         Administrative Law Judge.           that they
         As a judge, he decided complex      cannot do

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