Page 79 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 79
Bas, who had come in 1999. Rev. abandoned schoolhouse 99 years ago
Bas served until 2005. After a time has become a strong, blessed church
as interim preacher, Rev. Eloy that continues to grow in faith and
Felan became the part-time Pastor. with the assurance that God will
Under his leadership, the church continue to lead it to be a shining
underwent some major remodeling. light in a world full of darkness—all
The sanctuary and fellowship hall the way into its bicentennial year. As
received a much-needed facelift. 1 Samuel 7:12 states: “Thus far has
A major storm in June 2013 caused the Lord helped us.”
the Baptist General Convention of much damage to the roof and
Texas as one of the fastest growing windows and canceled the 50th
Hispanic congregations in the state. Anniversary celebration the church
was planning that summer. Pastor A celebration is being
In May 1970, downtown Lubbock Felan continued the ministry until planned but a date has
was devastated by a tornado. December of 2021. not been set yet.
Though the church building was
not damaged, the neighboring During the past three years, due Stay tuned for more
Guadalupe neighborhood was to the pandemic, the church information.
heavily damaged, and several church acquired new technology and began
families lost their homes. transmitting worship services over
Facebook, as well as a weekly Bible
Rev. Gilbert Oakeley came from Study. Jeffery
New Mexico to become the next Vera has assisted
pastor. He pastored the church Rev. Felan in
from 1976 to 1979. In 1980, Primera leading those
Iglesia Bautista called back Rev. Joe studies.
Torres, who had been a member
of the church in his younger years After Rev.
and had left to go into the ministry. Felan retired
After completing his degree at in December
Southwestern Baptist Theological 2021, the church
Seminary, he accepted the call to called on that
pastor his home church. Pastor young man to
Torres led the church until 1983. take the helm.
Jeffery Vera, a
From 1983 until 1985, the church vibrant man of
went without a pastor. It was led by God who is also
the deacons and was greatly helped the Director
by the preaching of Rev. Benjamin of Alumni
Vera. In 1985, Rev. Elias S. Valerio Relations at
came to pastor the church. During Wayland Baptist
his ministry, Primera Iglesia Bautista University, is
began its own Mission in Carlisle. now leading
Pastor Valerio pastored until 1993 the church as its
and was followed by Rev. Mario interim pastor.
M. Hernandez who led the church
until 1998. What began
in a small
At the turn of the century, the classroom in an
church was led by Rev. Porfirio
Lubbock Senior Link 79