Page 31 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 31


               Randall Hinds

               Revealing Christ

               in the Arts

                                                             by Amelia Burch

             walked into my first ballet     children would grow up singing,    He is not only a father to the adult
             class at the age of three, when   playing instruments, and writing   children he raised (all of whom
          I a brand-new Christian ballet     plays and short stories. Eventually,   are still involved in CITA in some
          program began offering classes at   his daughters expressed interest   aspect), but he serves as a role
          my preschool. How could I have     in learning ballet and began       model, a sort of father figure, to
          known then that what my mother     taking lessons where they found    the students of CITA.
          intended to be a fun activity would   joy in using dance to express
          become a foundational part of      their family’s deep faith. After his   Although not trained as a dancer,
          my life for years to come? How     daughters completed their ballet   Mr. Hinds has become one of
          could I have known that the young   studies and returned to Lubbock,   the partners who works with the
          ladies teaching my classes would   they began teaching homeschool     Company dancers to be part of
          become my mentors and friends?     ballet classes, which eventually   every CITA production staged
          How could I have known that the    led Mr. Hinds and his family       to date. Company members like
          father of those young teachers     to establish Christ in the Arts    me must develop relationships
          would trust God enough, day in     of Lubbock (CITA), a nonprofit     with our partners that are built
          and day out, to grow a fledgling   school of dramatic dance that has   on trust and communication so
          ministry into a fully conceived    since swelled to over 160 students   that we can perform exciting and
          school of dramatic dance, where    who come from all walks of life.   unique choreography that includes
          I would be developed as a dancer                                      dramatic lifts and partnering
          and nourished as a child of God?   After teaching music for eight     sections. It was hard for me at first
          No, as a tiny little girl–a new    years and serving as a firefighter   because I have never had a dad
          American, recently adopted         for 21, Mr. Hinds transitioned     who lifted me in the air or tossed
          into an entirely new life by my    to becoming CITA’s School          me over his shoulder. But I loved
          single mother–I could never have   Director. He oversees and          to dance, and I wanted to progress,
          envisioned what a gift God would   supports, allowing him to build    and Mr. Hinds helped me learn
          give me in ballet or how He would   personal relationships with all   that I could trust him and the other
          make that ministry and its people   the leadership and staff as well   partners to hold me up physically
          my extended family.                as each family CITA serves,        each week when we practiced in
                                             including mine. Mr. Hinds has      class.
          Randall Hinds always loved the     many administrative duties, but
          arts. He grew up in a family that   he always stops to visit with     Mr. Hinds’ support for me has not
          valued music, specifically choral,   parents, ask about my day, and   been limited to partnering in the
          and he determined that his seven   offer insight, advice, and support.   studio. He has shown that he can

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